Theoretical Framework TheoreticalFrameworkThere are manytheoriesaboutself esteem. These include Maslow’sTheoryof needs‚ Carl RogersTheoryof personal development and Bednar and Perterson’sTheoryof self esteem among others. However‚ this study will use Maslow’s hierarchy of needs to investiga...
Theoretical Framework: On the Relationship of Body Weight, Self-Esteem and Skepticism towards AdvertisingAs put forward in the previous chapter, body weight, self-esteem and skepticism towards advertising share some influencing factors. These may be of special interest for further investigations, since ...
The goal was to determine whether self-esteem was associated with sexually transmitted disease (STD), pregnancy, and the set of theoretical mediators controlling for covariates. Bivariate analyses showed no relationship between self-esteem and STD or pregnancy; multivariate regression analysis revealed a...
Domains or attributes that individuals evaluate themselves on and find as more personally important have a more profound impact on global self-esteem than less important ones. Using a cognitive behavioural framework, the present paper discusses the variety of self-evaluation processes that individuals ...
Maslow's hierarchy of needs.This theory suggests a hierarchical arrangement of human needs. It starts with fundamental physiological needs at the base, progressing through love, belonging, safety, and esteem, and culminating in self-actualization at the pinnacle. It finds applications across diverse ...
CSDT provides a framework for the systematic assessment and practical treatment of three aspects of the self that are affected by trauma. These include self-capacities, or the ability to tolerate strong affect and regulate self-esteem; cognitive schemas, or beliefs and expectations about self and ...
Henri Tajfel’s (1981) acclaimed social identity theory asserts that assignment to a group is accompanied by the assumption of its higher value, which results in an enhanced collective self-esteem (see also liebkind 1992). Here, ethnic identity is seen as a component of an individual’s ...
Good clinical placements and supervising midwives are essential to developing student competence, confidence, and self-esteem (Bäck and Karlstöm, 2020). Participants noted how midwives who regularly worked in community or midwifery-led birth areas were more likely to be confident in IA and suppo...
less guarded in discussions. This approach seems to be especially helpful as a part of group therapy. The results of self-reports and projective tests shows a significant difference in the measures of self-esteem, attitude toward self and positive thinking patterns before and after watching films....
Questions were raised as to the long-term effect of such participation on the subjects’ self-esteem, and if such a risk was justified. The resulting debate produced a revision of the ethics of experimental psychology including the requirement of informed consent. Informed consent has ma...