A well-documented finding in the literature is that members of many East Asian cultures report lower self-esteem and psychological well-being than do members of Western cultures. The authors present the results of four studies that examined cultural differences in reasoning about psychological contradic...
Psychological theories of delusional thinking: In search of integration - Hingley - 1992 () Citation Context ... hostile views about the self. This idea that paranoid thinking arises from dysfunctional attempts to regulate low self-esteem is consistent with some psychodynamic accounts of paranoia (...
The entire human personality can be roughly divided into two domains, the noncognitive (or conative) and the cognitive. The first domain includes thepersonality traits(personality in the narrower sense of meaning), self-concept, self-esteem, well-being,emotionalityor affect, motivation, and coping;...
Self〆steem as a monitor of fundamental psychological need satisfactionSELF-esteemSATISFACTIONTERROR management theoryPERFORMANCEResearchers have long theorized about the function of self〆steem. Theories such as sociometer, terror management, and selfヾetermination have each received substantial empirical ...
self-esteem, and psychological well-being. Findings of the path analysis indicated social connectedness and self-esteem performed as a mediating role in the link between mindfulness and psychological well-being. In addition, the bootstrapping procedure demonstrated that the indirect effects of mindfulnes...
(1) the defense mechanisms are not intentional, they are unconscious or at least partially unconscious. While we often do some conscious effort, the real defense mechanism is unconscious.(2) the defense mechanism protects itself and protects itself from harm by supporting self-esteem or self-...
such as joining a sport if they know they have athletic ability, or joining the band if they are good at music. If not allowed to discover own talents in their own time, they will develop a sense of lack of motivation, low self esteem, and lethargy. They may become "couch potatoes" ...
study, only one variable assessing well-being (i.e., emotional role limitations) was considered. Future research could examine the relationships between problematic online behaviours and other potentially-related mental health variables such as life satisfaction, perceived social support, or self-esteem....
C. (2017). Self-compassion. In V. Zeigler-Hill & T. Shackelford (Eds.), Encyclopedia of personality and individual differences, (pp. 1–8). Springer. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-28099-8_1159-1 Neff, K. D. (2023). Self-compassion: Theory, method, research, and intervention...
According to psychological and educational theories, self-esteem is essential for a successful life. Generations of children, especially minority kids, have been educated according to the theory (that they lack self-esteem), and that this deficiency is central to any problems (they may have in ...