It is unreasonable, he goes on, to expect the other side to have to prove a universal negative. If you claim that a pink unicorn exists, it’s got to be up to you to provide evidence for that assertion. It’s not on me to survey the entire world in order to prove you are wrong...
Every Body gives me a very flattering Character of your Sister, and I am well pleased with what I hear of you: The principal Satisfaction I can expect in Life, in future will be in your good Behaviour and that of my other Children. My Hopes from all of you are very agreable. God gr...
My question is a simple one: When do programs like ChatGPT contribute to the good life, and when do they make me dumber, less personal, and less capable of being formed into a thoughtful and connected human being? Let’s start with efficiency.AsJacques Ellulfamously warned, the modern pull...
When we cast a vision of discipleship, of the full Christian life to our people; proclaim the life, death and resurrection of Jesus as it touches upon the world today; develop the discipleship of our own people so that programs and resources become effective and attractive; and when we expli...
We used several other classical Christian humanities programs before realizing that they weren’t very homeschool friendly and we are so so blessed to have found Old Western Culture. Old Western Culture homeschool family ↩︎ Men, Carry Your Father ...