He was in most of my classes. He was also our pastor’s son. He clued me in on something in seventh grade that might have had a larger impact on my life than I might have expected. We were part of a Sunday School class of all boys (at least, that’s what I remember). I ...
I remember one class most vividly. It was one of our first classes where we were being given rules and regulations for being a chaplain in a hospital. We were asked, “If you get an emergency call on your pager, do you run to where the emergency is happening?” Scenes from...
The opposite of the Liberal Arts are the Servile Arts, those arts and skills related to “how to do a thing” and not “why to do a thing.” And historically this was the education given to servants, slaves, and the lower classes. If you examine the education students are commonly give...
Kentucky (1908), the Supreme Court of the United States upheld the Kentucky state supreme court’s decision affirming the state’s right to forbid Berea College from conducting classes with blacks and whites together. Though the Court dealt with the case under the “impairments of contract” clau...
Jesus preached. But his sermons are unlike ours. As a companion text for preaching classes, or a guide to pastors, the book explores how we can better proclaim the gospel of King Jesus by learning from his sermons and his unique approach to preaching. ...
It also became clear that the church was not interested in allowing the real truth to be taught in the CES classes. They have published an official version of the history in their lesson manuals. It is sanitized and sets readers up to believe that the Mormon leaders were always the heros ...
Tall Timbers was home to the American nature writer and food forager Euell Gibbons, who named his house there “It Wonders Me,” and is a place where I have taught classes on nature literature, and where our mission members have picnicked, experiencing the blessings of God’s Creation. ...
He possessed uncommon candor and moderation; and during their debates, he made a declaration in the name of the independents, “That unless their congregations could be exempted from the coercive power of the classes, and left to govern themselves in their own way, so long as they conducted...
While reading this book, I felt as though I once again had the privilege of being a student in John Frame's theology classes, the classes that so deeply influenced my thinking as a Westminster Seminary student forty years ago. But now the material has been enriched by a lifetime of ...
Providence embraces within its scope things small and great, and exercises care over individuals as well as over classes. In respect to the good acts of men, providence embraces all those natural influences of birth and surroundings which prepare men for the operation of God’s word and Spirit...