Now that you’re out of the house with a university degree and marriage prospects, all of a sudden she wants back into your life. Continue reading → Posted in The Home | Tagged Counseling, Family, Fatherhood | Leave a reply How should the Church in Lesotho respond to the problem of ...
Relative to my thesis on gravity, this makes perfect sense. An object “existentially accelerating” willnecessarilyaccelerate “towards” various objects in its POE at the exact same rate. There could be no intrinsic properties of objects caught within the POE which would change the degree to whi...
At first, I was confused because to me “deconstruction” refers to the French theory of literary interpretation, which assumes that works of literature never merely tell the truth or a good story but always construct a fictional world designed to preserve the power structures that advantage the ...
So, to complete the final 30 credits toward a degree, I took a two-quarter leave of absence. One of the required courses unavailable via the extension program was engineering physics. Physics proved to be a larger challenge than I had anticipated. I was several years removed from using calcu...
And regarding biblical knowledge, while I do have formal training, I think people sometimes place too much value on seminary education. I know for a fact that many seminary-educated people think their degree makes them better somehow than others. But I believe that having letters after your nam...
(Galatians 5:22-23). To the degree that we can willingly grow in these through our cooperation with the Holy Spirit, we become more like Christ. And this is what he wants for us, not only for the good of others whose lives will inevitably benefit from our becoming more like Christ, ...
I recently arrived back on my old college campus. No, I’m not starting a new degree. I’m back here for a newjob. In some respects, it has been a reunion because there are many faculty, staff, and administrators still here 19 years after I graduated. But I experienced another reunio...
In Jesus’ day (as in ours, though to a lesser degree), people associated sickness with sin. People believed that if you sinned, one way God might punish you is by sending a sickness upon you. Therefore, if a person got sick, this was taken as an indication that the person had sinne...
worship in our university chapel, I overheard our campus pastor telling a student how grateful she was for this student’s ministry through music and in other ways. The student is truly gifted, and I know she has overcome real challenges—as many of our students have—to finish her degree....
I wanted to get to the bottom of things.I wanted an answer to the question, “What’s the most important part of leading a small group?”I completed a Ph.D. degree and did extensive statistical research involving over 3,000 small-group leaders in more than 200 churches to probe that ...