Gaslighting Liberty Don’t worry. The monsters aren’t under your bed or in your closet. They’re your prized guest. Invited in, or more like…injected through the syringe of convenience and the needle of safety. The medicine isn’t worse than the cure…it’s the disease. ...
“Anyways, the moves. I’ll tell you a few. Basketball. College basketball, especially. The best ones are so flashy, they make you laugh for not being able to believe the guy actually made the shot. And squirrels going through trees. One of my best effects. You know the last time a ...
He set me up to get an “A” in the class, a grade that didn’t come easy for me in college. Two of my favorite authors, Dallas Willard and Howard Hendricks, both reminded readers that Jesus is the smartest person in the universe and that we would do well to learn from him. He...
Way back at the turn of the century, one of my part-time jobs in college was as co-youth ministry director at St. Thomas’ Episcopal Church in Lancaster, PA. One of my co-workers there was Father Eugene Smith, an older, retired priest who loved to live life on the edge. One Sunday...
fromColumbia Bible CollegeonVimeo. My Lord God, I have no idea where I am going. I do not see the road ahead of me. I cannot know for certain where it will end. nor do I really know myself, and the fact that I think I am following your will ...
Today I continue my series on the contemporary challenges to the viability of the Christian college. In past essays I’ve focused on academic freedom. In this essay I want to explore the concept of “shared governance,” that is, faculty participation in the decisions that determine the academi...
During an eventful appearance at Boston College a while back, Ta-Nehisi Coates told the story of why he wrote the bestseller Between the World and Me. It is a slim volume—a meditation on what it means to be Black in America, framed as a letter to Coates’s 15-year-old son, Samori...
Here is an example. In the 1960s there was growing opposition to the war in Viet Nam. However, some of the anti-war group expressed themselves in ways that alienated those who they hoped to influence. I was in college at the time and a debate was scheduled on campus between anti-war ...
[14]; while episcopal collegiality refers to the role that bishops, as a college and as successors of the Apostles, in communion with each other and with the Bishop of Rome, act as “authentic guardians, interpreters and witnesses of the faith of the whole Church, which they need to ...
For careful readers—and it took me auditing a college Brit Lit class to have it pointed out—these small but deliberate changes illustrate the theme of Smith’s sprawling, multi-generational epic on what it’s like to be an immigrant, or the child of one, in modern Britain. Her novel ...