pack rat n (Animals) any rat of the genus Neotoma, of W North America, having a long tail that is furry in some species: family Cricetidae. Also called: woodrat Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000...
packrat- any of several bushy-tailed rodents of the genus Neotoma of western North America; hoards food and other objects bushytail woodrat,Neotoma cinerea,trade rat,pack rat wood rat,wood-rat- any of various small short-tailed rodents of the northern hemisphere having soft fur grey above an...
A Year into His Pacy, Pope Francis Is Making All the Right Moves (Posted 2014-03-14 14:18:23) ; A Year into His Papacy, Pope Francis Is Stirring Souls, Even as He Confounds Liberals and ConservativesGehring, John
The Best Business Books of 2024: the Financial Times Business Book of the Year Award Andrew Hill, Journalist Buy now Listen now Precipice by Robert Harris Precipice is the latest historical novel by Robert Harris, one of our favourite writers here at Five Books for his page-turners that ...
A pacy round-up of the day’s main news stories, anchored from London by a Monocle editor. The show features informed reporting, prescient business analysis and invaluable industry reports covering everything from technology to aviation and retail to media. ...
In 1995 she won the CWA Gold Dagger for best crime novel of the year for The Mermaids Singing, which first introduced her readership to Tony Hill and Carol Jordan, and went on to become an international bestseller. Fever of the Bone is the sixth novel of this series which inspired the po...
Blocked on Facebook Karen Middleton, chief political correspondent at ‘The Saturday Paper’, on Facebook’s decision to block its news feeds in Australia. Share chapter 1 Share Facebook X Email LinkedIn Reddit LINE / The Briefing News from around the world, analysis and debate. ...
But in terms of pure moviemaking, the year was particularly strong. Martin Scorsese dropped another masterpiece, while Across the Spider-Verse made comic-book movies fresh again (at least until Madam Web, anyway). Past Lives made audiences swoon, while small-time charmers like Theater Camp, ...
The perfect book to curl up with on an autumn/winter evening, by fire and candlelight.The Two Houseshas turned out to be one of my favourite books of the year. Highly recommended! Share This: Twitter Facebook Email Tumblr Pinterest
Figure 3.11 Energy consumption values of a household at different times of the day Cdo pacynmo’c eestrc caseu ja s rmtieux le vhoaibearl cseniec nqs data eiscnec. Koprwe erutnd vr nxe lx gvr xtav naocilsptpai kl iehncma gnlnreia--ng supervised learning--iwchh rj gxcg er iidfe...