The word vaporised (Para.1) means ___A.turned from stones into missilesB.turned from a fireball into blackC.turned from a solid into a gasD.turned from meteors into shooting stars的答案是什么.用刷刷题APP,拍照搜索答疑.刷刷题(是专业的大
Vacant Get all information about the word Vacant - meaning, spelling, part of speech and much more about Vacant
means___. A.lacking human characteristics. B.anything having the appearance of a humanoid. C.being void or vacant. D.having a human form. or characteristics. 免费查看参考答案及解析 题目: The word ?it? in the last sentence of Paragraph 3 refers to?___ . B.workforce ...
The cowboy’s job is clear from the word cowboy. Cowboy were men who took care of cows and other cattle. The cattle were in the West and in Texas. People in the cities of the East wanted beef these cattle. Trains could take the cattle east. But first the cattle had to get to t...
Twitter Google Share on Facebook Thesaurus Encyclopedia vac·u·ous (văk′yo͞o-əs) adj. 1. a.Lacking intelligence; stupid or empty-headed. b.Devoid of substance or meaning; vapid or inane:a vacuous comment. c.Devoid of expression; vacant:a vacuous stare.See Synonyms atempty. ...
Though Lucy had not the slightest suspicion, she was watched twenty-four hours a day by men of the Santino regime and when an apartment became vacant on her floor it was immediately rented by one of the most reliable men of that regime.The Don was recovering and would soon be able to ...
69. The word “bizarre” probably means ___. A. ancient B. strange C. remarkable D. patriotic 70.According to Sylvia Whitcombe,the exhibit is ___. A. Phyllis Radcliffe’s first art show B. beyond our understanding C. well worth seeing D. somewhat childish 71. What...
The authors of these articles must know the stakes: if they are right, they are on the vanguard of a new sedevacantist movement that will reject Pope Francis at every turn. If they’re wrong, they are essentially playing chicken with Jesus Christ Himself, whose authority resides with Peter...
Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc. Translations Spanish / Español Select a language: (ˈspeʃəl)adjective 1.out of the ordinary; un-usual or exceptional.a special occasion;a special friend.especial,extraordinario ...