Related to verb phrase:prepositional phrase AcronymDefinition VPVice President VPViewpoint VPVoluntad Popular(Venezuelan political party) VPVideo Poker VPVice Principal VPVacant Possession(housing construction) VPVideo Phone(product) VPVollpension(German: full board) ...
SVSimple Verb(grammar) SVSuper Villain SVSexual Violence SVSteam Valve SVSubclavian Vein SVSun Valley High School(Aston, Pennsylvania) SVShop Visit(aerospace) SVSudden Victory(wrestling) SVSleeve Valve(petroleum production hardware) SVSluice Valve ...
vacant11 viatic11 vicing12 5 Letter Words aalii5 acing8 acini7 actin7 again6 agita6 alang6 alant5 algal6 algin6 align6 antic7 anvil8 avail8 avant8 avian8 calla7 canal7 cavil10 cilia7 civil10 clang8 clavi10 cling8 giant6 glial6 glint6 icing8 iliac7 ilial5 lagan6 lanai5 liana5 li...
vacant,What is the word for abandoned child?An abandoned child is referred to as a foundling (as opposed to a runaway or an orphan).Abandoned (adjective)17 related questions found Is abandoned an adverb? In a wild and unrestrained manner; abandonedly. Is obtain an adjective? Included below...
opening - a vacant or unobstructed space that is man-made; "they left a small opening for the cat at the bottom of the door" outfall - the outlet of a river or drain or other source of water 11. issue - the act of issuing printed materials publication printing - the business of prod...
verbTo make empty or vacant . from Free Scrabble DictionaryTo eliminate solid or liquid waste from the body. from Free Scrabble DictionaryFind More Words! Wildcard(?) letters appear in REDHere are some other words you could make with the letters VOID, you can alsouse this lookup tool to ...
Acircularobject,form,line, orarrangementwith avacantcircularcenter. from The American Heritage Dictionary of the English Language, 4th Edition Aloudsound,especiallyone that isrepeatedorcontinued. from The American Heritage Dictionary of the English Language, 4th Edition ...
packed. Synonyms:brimful, brimmed, brimming, busy, crammed, crowded, filled, full, gorged, inhabited, jammed, occupied, overflowing, replete. Antonyms: blank, empty, leisure, unemployed, unfilled, unoccupied, untenanted, vacant, vacuous, void, waste. ...
Stare is a word in the English language that can be used as a noun or verb. The verb form of stare means to look at someone or something in a vacant manner with wide open eyes. The noun form of stare means a vacant or long look....
What is a synonym for insincere? What are synonyms of solitude? What is an antonym of famished? What is an antonym for desolation? What is the abstract noun of 'cheerful'? What is another word for disrespectful? What are some synonyms for vacant? What are words with negative connotations?