最后,所有的政客大概都是一个样儿,体制使然,黑皮换了白皮而已。不变的,是这场棋局,有前仆后继的卒子,而The KING stay the KING。正所谓—— Game's the same, just got more fierce. —— Slim Charles 0 最后,有兴趣发掘《The Wire》中的人物原型的读者可以参考这两篇文章,豆瓣的那篇更全面,不过,互为...
这个案子是Wee-Bey干的。被杀的女孩名叫Deidre Kresson,是Avon众多的女友之一,她威胁Avon要向警方报警...
Shardene Ennis(Ennis):Orlando俱乐部舞女,Dee的女朋友巴尔的摩东区贩毒组织Joseph "Proposition Joe" Stewart(Joe)Omar团伙Omar Devon Little(Omar)Brandon Wright:Omar伴侣、同伙John Bailey:Omar同伙巴尔的摩西区毒虫Reginald Cousins(Bubbles)Johnny Weeks(Johnny)法律Daniel Phelan(Phelan):巴尔的摩市巡回法官Rhonda Pearlman(...
美剧The Wire 观后感之 :Avon&Stringer由 akagami 发表在虎扑篮球影视区http://bbs.hupu.com/ent 最近刚刚看完经典美剧The Wire(中文译名火线重案组或监听风云),感觉回味无穷,于是忍不住来写一点感想。 楼主看美剧阅历很浅,The Wire是唯一一部我真正看完的美剧。也许是楼主语言匮乏,说实话我很难用只言片语来概...
琼恩•雪诺The Wire人物点评之三 -- 黑道角色 (Spoiler Alert) Wood Harris 饰 Avon Barksdale this is family,man.这是他常挂在嘴边的一句话,似乎显得他温情脉脉。作为贩毒集团的大头目,Barksdale 领导下的贩毒组织隐蔽,而又发展迅猛,尽管行事凶残多暴,可又狡诈如狐,他一直以来尽量避免出现在警方的雷达网上,...
Dee needs to be cared for, Avon. Dee需要得到照顾 Avon Promises were made. I know. 你答应过的 我知道 He took the 20, he ain't complaining. 他认了20年的罪 毫无怨言 He is carrying a lot of weight for this family. 他为这家担了很多 And we keeping him close. 我们是想笼络他 Dee bei...
McKenna Aiello Mary J. [Blige] had a tough job following up on one of the flyest debut albums in the hip-hop nation. Instead of trying to outdo herself, she took her music to the next level … Gerald Dee2chiefly British : keen, artful But Shakespeare never really fell foul of the ...
Javahttps://github.com/deevvicom/device-detector Javahttps://github.com/PaniniGelato/java-device-detector Rusthttps://github.com/simplecastapps/rust-device-detector Rusthttps://github.com/stry-rs/device-detector Gohttps://github.com/gamebtc/devicedetector ...
I don't like how the mounts run on their own, was fishing for a setting to turn that off completely, but couldn't find one. No wirebugs either? Instinctively I kept trying to use them to recover after a knock-down, and nothing would happen. ...