The College Dropout全解析(一):辍学熊的自我救赎之路 第一部分为辍学熊主线剧情第二部分则是为了专辑内容所制造的纯粹嗨曲,这部分的闪光点则主要是Wordplay内容。第三部分,则是整张专辑升华的关键本篇文章主要分析第一部分,即辍学熊的辍学是认为虚伪的大学教育只是一种麻痹自我的假象,根本找不到自己想要的答案,因此辍...
在The wire的庆功宴上,其中一个投资人过来给他敬酒,意味深长的说,The wire给了你一次新机会,以后...
BONE GAP, by Laura Ruby, is both lyrical love story and chilling mystery. Finn is a moony kind of dude, and when beautiful Roza disappears, Finn has trouble identifying her kidnapper even though he was with her at the time it happened. Without any clues, people stop believing him, includ...
在The wire的庆功宴上,其中一个投资人过来给他敬酒,意味深长的说,The wire给了你一次新机会,以后...
s the kind of currency that you can trade to walk from two or three live sentences if you can deliver up john gotti’s son especially at this point in time yeah you were right on that i i have no doubt in my mind that dude was trying to set him up to buy himself uh getting ...
Not dude, but Do. I taped every episode of CHPs and made a secret shrine out in the woods where I go and yell “vroom vroom” at night. Then, I look around for criminals in the mall. I wear big black CHPs boots and wrap-around sunglasses. My favorite catch-phrase is “Roger that...
There was a time when Bill Hader was best known for being ‘that dude fromSaturday Night Livewith all the impressions’. And thenBarryhappened. Serving as writer, star, and eventually director too (and a hell of a director at that), Hader reinvented himself entirely with this chronicle of ...
What if somebody from the Chi that was ill got a deal And birds it was more like spoken word Except he really putting it down And he explained the story about how blacks came from glory And what we need to do in the game Good dude Bad night Right place Wrong time In the blink of...
And he explained the story about how blacks came from glory And what we need to do in the game Good dude, bad night, right place, Wrong time In the blink of a eye - his whole life changed If you could feel how my face felt, you would know how Mase felt Thank God I ain't too...