柳林风声The Wind in the Willows(1996)英国/ 歌舞 / 家庭 / 奇幻 / 1996-10-18(英国)上映 / 片长88分钟 想看 看过 豆瓣评分TM打开App评分 6.8 154人评分剧情简介 穿过如絮的云层俯瞰大地,田畴如茵阡陌纵横。在这绿草如茵的地底下,胆小的鼹鼠在他狭小温馨的家里正筹备过冬的物资。让鼹鼠始料不及的是.....
《柳林风声》The Wind in the Willows 100集全【经典英文动画】是《柳林风声》The Wind in the Willows 100集全【经典英文动画】的第1集视频,该合集共计100集,视频收藏或关注UP主,及时了解更多相关视频内容。
The Wind in the Willows《柳林风声》节选One day Mole asks武大成Rat a question."Rat," he says, "can we go and see Toad?""Of course!" says Rat."Toad loves visitors!"whad Mole and Rat get into the little green and white boat."Is Toad a nice animal?" asks Mole. as Rat rows () ...
416 0 02:07 App The Wind in the Willows 柳林风声(中英双语)52 503 0 02:23 App The Wind in the Willows 柳林风声(中英双语)69 1164 1 02:29 App The Wind in the Willows 柳林风声(中英双语)8 1163 1 02:41 App The Wind in the Willows 柳林风声(中英双语)7 6.6万 28 06:41 App 能听懂...
B2The Wind in the Willows柳林风声Rat remembered his own little home under the ground. He hadn't seen it for a long time. When Badger and Mole went back to the kitchen, they saw that Rat was very eager (渴望的) to go home to the river. The underground made him uncomfortable. He lik...
导读:The Wind in the Willows (《柳林风声》),是英国儿童文学作家Kenneth Grahame(肯尼斯·格雷厄姆)的代表作品之一,1908年出版,曾是风靡一时的畅销故事书。英语启蒙最好的工具就是原版的英文绘本,因此AAE(American Academy of English,简称AAE)特设英语绘本阅读栏目: The Wind in the Willows (《...
《柳林风声》是英国作家肯尼斯·格雷厄姆创作的童话,发表于1908年。 《柳林风声》是以动物为主角的童话,文笔典雅,描写细致,富含哲理。书中塑造了几个可爱的动物形象:胆小怕事但又生性喜欢冒险的鼹鼠,热情好客、充满浪漫情趣的水鼠,侠义十足、具有领袖风范的老獾,喜欢吹牛、炫耀、追求时髦的蛤蟆,敦厚老实的水獭——他们...
The Wind in the Willows 柳林风声 中英文对照 The Wind in the Willows by Kenneth Graham 柳林风声 THE RIVER BANK 第一章 河岸 The Mole had been working very hard all the morning, spring-cleaning his little home. First with brooms, then with dusters; then on ladders and steps and chairs, ...
【题目】一、完形填空柳林风声(The Wind in the Willows)哀呤命人,张纲中学任智慧Mole was feeling very pleased and excited about his adventure. Afler a while,he said, "Piease Rat,let me L the boat now!"But the Rat only 2 his head and smiled. "Not yet, my young friend. Wait until you...
iGlobalist创作的有声书作品柳林风声 The Wind in the Willows,目前已更新12个声音,收听最新音频章节柳林风声 The Wind in the Willows 12。1908年,《柳林风声》出版,并最终成为风靡一时的畅销故事书。肯尼斯-格雷厄姆那精...