所属专辑:The Wind in the Willows 猜你喜欢 647 11. Fruit by:北京阳光博客 43 11.LRO's Eyes by:北京阳光博客 4932 11.闽南语206句 by:心心香吉士 106 11.You Sing, She Sings by:北京阳光博客 7161 11. 玛蒂娜做家务 by:北京阳光博客 3105 ...
BBC Do you know《Level 2点读版》 (11册套装+学习卡) +《柳林风声》 The Wind in the Willows 216.8元 京东 02-10 14:16 0 -- 《好快!用思维导图10天学完3500英语单词》 9.9元 京东 17小时前 0 -- 《超实用15000词分类速记》(修订版) 16.9元 京东 02-13 13:43 0 -- 《好快!用思维导图10...
The wind of early spring is sharp as scissor blade. 02 春晓 孟浩然 By Meng Haoran Spring Morning 春眠不觉晓, This spring morning in bed I'm lying, 处处闻啼鸟。 Not to awake till the birds are crying. 夜来风雨声, After one night of wind and showers, 花落知多少? How many are the...
O’erbankswillowsflick(轻拂),springmist(雾)high.After-schoolkidscomehomeearly, keentoflykiteswhileEastWind’sspry. Whichmonthistoldinthispoem? Whoisthispoemcreatedby? Whatdokidsdoafterschool? What’sthemainideaofthepoem? TranslateitintoChinese.Afterthat,trytorecitetheEnglishversionofthepoemandappreciate...
06.风语河岸柳.The Wind In The Willows 07.神秘及幻想故事集.Tales Of Mystery And Imagination 08.铁路少年.The Railway Children 09.三个陌生人.The Three Strangers And Other Stories 10.伊桑·弗罗姆.Ethan Frome 3级下目录(1500生词量) 01.圣诞欢歌.A Christmas Carol ...
英文版西游记《Joureny to the West》让娃欲罢不能! 如果说有一部读物能够让所有年龄的小朋友为之沉醉,那一定非《西游记》莫属了。 小的时候,第一次看到《西游记》还是在电视上,虽然是黑白的画质,但依然抵挡不住我们对它的热情,就算是广告时间也不舍得换台,不错眼的盯着,生怕漏掉任何一个细节。
以端午节为中心节点, 绘制发散型思维导图。 may cover in the dialogue. Ss draw a mind map based on the brainstorming. 8. Ss listen to the dialogue and take 通过有效的记笔记策略,提 灵活采用适合自己的 down notes by using key words or 升学生信息判断和关键信 记笔记策略,扩充思维 marks. T ...
7. Ss brainstorm and discuss what aspects the Dragon Boat Festival may cover in the dialogue. Ss draw a mind map based on the brainstorming. 以端午节为中心节点,绘制发散型思维导图。 8. Ss listen to the dialogue and take down notes by using key words or marks. T helps extend the mind...
以端午节为中心节点, 绘制发散型思维导图。 may cover in the dialogue. Ss draw a mind map based on the brainstorming. 8. Ss listen to the dialogue and take 通过有效的记笔记策略,提 灵活采用适合自己的 down notes by using key words or 升学生信息判断和关键信 记笔记策略,扩充思维 marks. T ...