《The Waste Land》原文 《荒原》译文(粗糙译) 《荒原》摘要 《荒原》主题 1. 现代生活的破碎和孤立 2. 死亡与重生 3. 宗教、灵性和虚无主义 4. 性、欲望和阳痿 5. 记忆和过去 《荒原》象征 1. 水 2. 火 3. 塔罗牌 4. 音乐和唱歌 5. 菲洛梅拉的变化 《荒原》的形式、节拍和韵律方案 形式 节拍 ...
听T.S. Eliot朗读「荒原」The Waste Land四月降临的固定栏目 找到了艾略特自己读<荒原>的珍贵音频,"April is the cruellest month, breeding / Lilacs out of the dead land, mixing / Memory and desire, stirring / Dull roots with spring rain."- 四月是最残忍的月份,从死去的土地里 / 培育出丁香,把...
Summary: "The Waste Land" is one of the famous British modernist poet and literary critic Thomas Eliot's most famous works. Eliot in the creation of "The Waste Land", coincided with the time after the First World War's Western civilization in crisis, people lose faith, spiritu...
T.S. Eliot and a Summary of 'The Waste Land' 'The Waste Land' is arguably the single most influential modernist poem. When it first appeared in October 1922, some hailed it as the breakthrough poem of the age; others hated it for its classical approach and academic appeal. ...
托马斯•斯特尔那斯•艾略特(Thomas Stearns Eliot,1888年9月26日-1965年1月4日)(通称T•S•艾略特),英国诗人、剧作家和文学批评家,诗歌现代派运动领袖。出生于美国密苏里州的圣路易斯。代表作品有《荒原》《四个四重奏》等。艾略特曾在哈佛大学学习哲学和比较文学,接触过梵文和东方文化,对黑格尔派的哲学家颇...
Explore ''The Waste Land'' by T. S. Eliot. Learn about the author, study a summary of his poem. Examine the poem's structure, style, and themes.
T.S. ELIOT: THE WASTELAND This poem was written for the most part while in a sanatorium in Lausanne in Switzerland recovering from nervous exhaustion (not the least cause of which was his marriage to Viv). A revolutionary poem both stylistically- and thematically-speaking, Pound described it...
So that's a way to think about 'The Waste Land' to link it into the Modernist tradition and to also get an introduction to what's in there. There's some pretty cool stuff. So that's 'The Waste Land. Read The Waste Land by T. S. Eliot | Summary, Style & Analysis Lesson ...
thewasteland简介"The Waste Land"(《荒原》)是由美国诗人T.S.艾略特(T.S. Eliot)于1922年发表的一首诗歌作品。这首诗歌被认为是20世纪最重要的文学作品之一,被广泛认为是现代主义文学的代表作品。 《荒原》以其复杂的结构、多层次的意象和深刻的哲学思考而闻名。它反映了艾略特对当时社会和人类精神状态的深刻...