历史背景 关于《The Waste Land》《荒原》简要信息 T.S. 艾略特的《荒原》被认为是20世纪最重要的诗歌之一,也是现代主义的杰作。 《荒原》是一段戏剧性的独白,自始至终都改变了演讲者、地点和时代,它借鉴了一系列令人眼花缭乱的文学、音乐、历史和流行文化典故,以呈现第一次世界大战后现代生活的恐怖、徒劳和疏远。
The Waste Land T . S . Eliot
TSEliot The Waste Land 艾略特《荒原》赏析 TheWasteLand T.S.Eliot Briefintroduction TheWasteLandisa434-linemodernistpoembyT.S.Eliotpublishedin1922.Ithasbeencalled"oneofthemostimportantpoemsofthe20thcentury.“Despitethepoem'sobscurity—itsshiftsbetweensatireandprophecy,itsabruptandunannouncedchangesofspeaker,...
The Waste Land does have occasional full-end rhyme, but it is used in a rather haphazard fashion. There is no set rhyme scheme, no pattern to follow. This was Eliot skewing the norm, almost teasing the reader with random rhymes before reverting back to free verse within loose structure. T...
T.S.Eliot The Waste Land 艾略特《荒原》赏析 TheWasteLand T.S.Eliot Briefintroduction TheWasteLandisa434-linemodernistpoembyT.S.Eliotpublishedin1922.Ithasbeencalled"oneofthemostimportantpoemsofthe20thcentury.“Despitethepoem'sobscurity—itsshiftsbetweensatireandprophecy,itsabruptandunannounced...
听T.S. Eliot朗读「荒原」The Waste Land四月降临的固定栏目 找到了艾略特自己读<荒原>的珍贵音频,"April is the cruellest month, breeding / Lilacs out of the dead land, mixing / Memory and desire, stirring / Dull roots with spring rain."- 四月是最残忍的月份,从死去的土地里 / 培育出丁香,把...
Discover moreT.S. Eliot poems. Detailed Analysis Part One: Stanza One I. The Burial of the Dead April is the cruellest month, breeding Lilacs out of the dead land, mixing Memory and desire, stirring Dull roots with spring rain. Winter kept us warm, covering ...
wasteland荒原eliot赏析艾略 TheWasteLandT.S.EliotBriefintroduction TheWasteLandisa434-linemodernistpoembyT.S.Eliotpublishedin1922.Ithasbeencalled"oneofthemostimportantpoemsofthe20thcentury.“ Despitethepoem'sobscurity—itsshiftsbetweensatireandprophecy,itsabruptandunannouncedchangesofspeaker,locationandtime,its...
the canterbury tales赏析全 文学原理-《荒原》(The Waste Land) 赏析(课件PPT) 中世纪英雄史诗《贝奥武夫》评析 试论英国黑人奴隶贸易的状况和的废除 浅谈西方文学中的悲剧意识 _莫比_迪克_的象征意义 TSEliot The Waste Land 艾略特《荒原》赏析 ...
Editor 2 Analysis and Explanation The Waste Land: A Masterpiece of Modernist Poetry T.S. Eliot's The Waste Land is a landmark in modernist poetry, a work that revolutionized the way we think about language, literature, and the human condition. Published in 1922, the poem is a complex and...