The Road to Emmaus (1) The Sacrament of Holy Communion (1) The Scandal of the Cross (1) The Sermon on the Mount (1) The single biggest troublemaker in churches (1) The Sovereignty of God (5) The State of the Promise (1) The Theme of the Christian Faith (1) The Tra...
Jesus’ third post resurrection statement was made during his interaction with two pilgrims on the road to Emmaus. You can find the story in Luke 24:13-35. The narrative describes two disciples who had observed all of the events in Jerusalem during the first passion week. While on the journ...
There are several accounts of other appearances in the Gospels, notably for me, his presence on the road to Emmaus, as Jesus is recognized in the breaking of the bread. My monk admitted that he did not know how that resurrection took place. At the time of our conversation, there had bee...
We don’t truly see the Scripture rightly until we see it through Jesus, just as Jesus showed the two disciples on the road to Emmaus (Lk 24:27). So yes…when we hear the word of God, it should compel a response within us. Ideally, that response includes us telling other people, ...
Wisdom (L) unattributed, Vanderbilt Library; Mary Magdalene and Jesus in the Garden (C), Washington Cathedral, Rowan and Irene LeCompte; Walk to Emmaus (R) Orsi, Lelio, 1511-1587 Easter Morning verse EASTER MORNINGa double acrosticEither Jesus really did rise orAll his followers made up the...
2. My Experience With “Walk to Emmaus” I was sponsored to go on a Walk to Emmaus in 2003 and was told that it would be a wonderful, spiritual experience and was told literally nothing else. My sponsor drove me out to this remote, secluded location (I still haven’t been able to ...
"And behold, two of them were going that very day to a village named Emmaus, which was about seven miles from Jerusalem. And they were talking with each other about all these things which had taken place" (Luke 24:13-14). Luke introduces us to something new and unexpected. It is asto...
But Jesus chose instead to take a solitary walk–on the road from Jerusalem to Emmaus–and happened upon Cleopas and an unnamed believer. They didn’t recognize him; God chose to hide his Son’s identity from them. Almost immediately they began to talk about recent events in Jerusalem: Jesu...
To the men on the road to Emmaus, Jesus explained the Scriptures and then said: "Did not the Christ have to suffer these things and then enter hisglory?" (Luke 24:26) It's like us humans to think that suffering and pain are bad, and ease is good. But when do we learn the most...
To further emphasize this point, after His resurrection, Jesus tells the two people on the road to Emmaus in Luke 24 that to fail to interpret the OT without understanding all those Scriptures were written about Him, is to be: 1. Foolish; and 2. Slow to believe (Luke 24:25). Finally...