I went on my Walk to Emmaus March 14, 2013. I could not feel the love of God or Jesus before going on the Walk. If you leave the Walk before the Morning of the 3rd day, You have missed the most important part of the Walk to Emmaus. The Walk to Emmaus is totally based on the ...
To the men on the road to Emmaus, Jesus explained the Scriptures and then said:"Did not the Christ have to suffer these things and then enter his glory?" (Luke 24:26)The Glorious Kingdom in Jesus' Darkest HoursIt is easy to see the Glorious Kingdom in Jesus' resurrection and ...
Then Jesus died on the cross, according to the scriptures, as Paul says. It’s much easier to see in hindsight than with foresight, which I think is why Jesus had to explain the scriptures about himself to the two men on the road to Emmaus on that first Easter morning. Now we can l...