Netflix’s true crime docuseries Files of the Unexplained episode 3, “The Yuba County Five,” focuses on Ted Weiher, Gary Mathias, Bill Sterling, Jack “Doc” Madruga, and Jackie Huett, a group of friends who went missing in 1978. The episode is gripping, sad, and at times infuriating...
The Unexplained (1996) Budd Hopkins Self / Self - Researcher 2 White Light (2007) Robert Sheaffer Self / Self - UFO Skeptic 2 Future Fantastic (1996) Richard F. Haines Self / Self - Research Scientist 2 The Unexplained Files (2013) Leon Lederman Self / Self - Nobel Prize...
Home 18 of 18 The Unexplained Files (2013) The Unexplained Files (2013) TitlesThe Unexplained Files CountriesAustralia, Canada, Germany, Spain, France, United Kingdom, Italy, Japan, Philippines, United States LanguagesEnglishBack to top
Sitting alone in his basement office, mocked by colleagues and shunned by his superiors, former golden boy ‘Spooky’ devotes his time to solving cases lodged in the ‘unexplained’ category, also known as ‘X files’. And here we have the heart of the episode, one that means the show ri...
Files of the Unexplainedis an eight-episode docuseries exploring different bizarre cases, from the classic alien abduction story to the disturbing phenomenon of severed feet washing up ashore. Files of the Unexplainedis streaming on Netflix from April 3. ...
Home 8 of 18 The Unexplained Files (2013) The Unexplained Files (2013) TitlesThe Unexplained Files, Curse of Flannan Lighthouse and Aleshenka: Russian MummyBack to top
The Unexplained Files (2013) Home 13 of 18 The Unexplained Files (2013)
Clear eyes. Full hearts. Can't lose. As memorable mantras for a TV show go, this is up there. Peter Berg's knowing adaptation of his 2004 movie and the H. G. Bissinger book he drew from it, broadened the scope of the world and wrangled memorable characters that live and breathe. ...
On The Dead Files, physical medium Amy Allan and reitred NYPD homicide detective Steve Di Schiavi, combine their unique and often conflicting skills to solve unexplained paranormal phenomena in haunted locations across America..
The critically-acclaimed show on FOX-TV has captured a sizeable audience with its dark tales of the supernatural and unexplained. Show creator Chris Carter claims to be a skeptic, but his show has hit a vein with viewers who are curious or claim to ...