Netflix’s true crime docuseries Files of the Unexplained episode 3, “The Yuba County Five,” focuses on Ted Weiher, Gary Mathias, Bill Sterling, Jack “Doc” Madruga, and Jackie Huett, a group of friends who went missing in 1978. The episode is gripping, sad, and at times infuriating...
Take a few opinions, find some material from Facebook / Instagram that supports the 'fact' you want to frame as sensational, add an interview from an emotional victim and we have 'Files of the Unexplained'.If this is the standard for Netflix documentaries I'm not sure I'll bother with...
The Unexplained Files (2013) Home 13 of 18 The Unexplained Files (2013)
The Unexplained Files (2013) Home 10 of 18 The Unexplained Files (2013)
"Unrequited" is the sixteenth episode of the fourth season of The X-Files. The script was written by Howard Gordon, who also did did the teleplay with series creator Chris Carter, and was directed by Michael Lange. Unrequited originally aired on the Fox
The Unexplained Files(2013) Drew Westerman Self - Hydrologist 1 Lost Monster Files(2024) Mike Walch Self - Current Owner of the Hansen Farm Property 1 Lost Monster Files(2024) Lucas Perry Self - Boat Captain 1 Lost Monster Files(2024) ...
Josh Gates travels through history on a search to uncover new evidence and answers to the world's most captivating unexplained mysteries, and true stories that defy explanation, offering stunning revelations and surprising new insights. Seasons ...
IMDb7.1 简介 Looking at raw footage and firsthand accounts of unexplained phenomena, join renowned scientists and eyewitnesses as they help make sense of the incomprehensible, such as Texas Blue Dogs, the Mothman, alien rain, a ghost yacht, the Curse of the Ice Mummy, livestock mutilation and ...
Even if your users store most of their files on the server, there's always some data on the local machines, such as files stored on the desktop or files on roaming laptops. Common crawl The Unexplained Files on IMDb The Unexplained Files on the Science channel WikiMatrix Despite having...
NASA's Unexplained Files 电视剧 / 记录片 埃里克·德拉姆斯 /Christopher Orwoll /Marc D'Antonio 2014-05英国开播 / 45分钟 看过 猫眼综合评分 6.8 IMDb6.5 简介 A look is taken at exclusive NASA footage and firsthand accounts of mysterious fly objects from astronauts and scientists are presented....