句读/ 熊凌川 The other influential theory is Schachter and Singer’s (1962) two-factor theory of emotion. The two relevant factors are physiologic arousal and cognition. In this theory, an individual is in a given ...
Among the theories of emotion (also called affect or feeling), there are related ones like the two-factor model of emotion as well as the William James-based James-Lange theory of emotion, in addition to several more distant relations that start from fairly different assumptions....
The Singer-Schachter theory was developed by Stanley Schachter and Jerome Singer. Their theory is also referred to as the "Two-Factor Theory." Their theory states that a person has a physiological response, thinks or reasons about it, and then has the emotion. I see a bear (event), my ...
Which theory of emotion relates to the following statement? Arousal and emotion occur together. a. James-Lange theory b. Cannon-Bard theory c. Schachter-Singer two-factor theory d. Lazarus cognitive-mediational theory Which theory of emotion best explains how "putting on a happy face" can actu...
Cannon-Bard theory: the theory that an emotion-arousing stimulus simultaneously triggers (1) physiological responses and (2) the subjective experience of emotion. Cognition & emotion Two-factor theory: the Schachter-Singer theory that to experience emotion one must (1) be physically aroused and (...
herzberg’s two-factor theory of job satisfaction an:赫茨伯格双因素理论对工作满意度的影响 热度: 赫茨伯格的双因素理论 热度: 赫茨伯格双因素理论 热度: 赫滋伯格的双因素理论(ThetwofactortheoryofShigaBerg) Thirdistheprincipleofhighstandards.Stableemployment,accesstopromotionopportunities ...
Two-factor avoidance theory: the role of negative affect in the maintenance of substance use and substance use disorder. Behav Ther. 1993; 24 :337–356.Stasiewicz PR, Maisto SA. Two-factor avoidance theory: The role of negative affect in the maintenance of substance use and substance use ...
The onset sequence of the four conditions was randomized across the trials. Procedure The present study employed a modified cue-target paradigm in which the valence of the emotional scene (facial expression) was independent of the emotion of the subsequent body expression. The two factors of ...
Two-factor theory:The motivation theory that intrinsic factors are related to job satisfaction andmotivationwhereas extrinsic factors are associated with jobdissatisfaction. Hygiene factors: Factors that eliminate job dissatisfaction, but do not motivate. Motivators: Factors that increase jobsatisfacti...
These results suggest a high degree of robustness with respect to informant type. Implications for the integration of multi-informant assessment information are discussed.关键词: Two-factor Model of Emotion Positive Affect Negative Affect Multi-informant ...