Schachter’s Two Schachter’s Two--Factor Factor Theory of Emotion Theory of Emotion This theory is similar to Bem’s explanation for This..
Objective To observe the relationship between the diabetic quality of life and its influencing emotional factors. 目的了解糖尿病患者的生活质量情况及与情绪因素的相关性。 更多例句>> 3) attribution theory of emotion 情绪归因论4) motivational-affective factor 动机-情绪因素5...
沙赫特的情绪的二因素理论(two-factor theory of emotion) 正确答案 是指情绪体验是一种两阶段的自我知觉过程的结果:首先,我们必须经历生理的唤起;接着再为这个唤起状态寻找适当的解释。 答案解析 略 真诚赞赏,手留余香 小额打赏 169人已赞赏
Among the theories of emotion (also called affect or feeling), there are related ones like the two-factor model of emotion as well as the William James-based James-Lange theory of emotion, in addition to several more distant relations that start from fairly different assumptions....
This paper examines Schachter's (1964) two-factor theory of emotion and reviews published work which either attempts directly to test the theory, or is relevant to its evaluation. Of the three propositions of the theory, the first, that unexplained arousal can be experienced as different ...
N. (1999). Epinephrine, Arousal, and Emotion: A New Look at Two-factor Theory. Cognition & Emotion, 13(2), 181- 199.Elizabeth S. Mezzacappa, Edward S. Katkin, and Stephen N. Palmer, “Epinephrine, arousal, and emotion: A new look at two-factor theory,” Cognition and Emotion , ...
Theories of Emotion | Overview & Facial Feedback Hypothesis from Chapter 7 / Lesson 3 134K Learn about the major theories of emotion, including the facial feedback hypothesis. Describe the physiology of emotions and the cognitive theory of emotions. Related...
1) twofactor theory of emotion 情绪双因素论 2) emotion factor 情感因素 1. Try talking about theemotion factorin physics teaching; 论物理教学中的情感因素 2. Without the participation of theemotion factor,the chemical study activity would neither happen nor maintain. ...