Lewis, The Measure of Translation Effects.19. Antoine Berman, Translation and the Trials of the Foreign. Translated by Lawrence Venuti. 20. Lori Chamberlain, Gender and the Metaphorics of Translation. 1990s. 21. Annie Brisset, The Search for a Native Language: Translation and Cultural Identity....
The Translation Studies Reader, 3rd Edition 来自 tandfebooks.com 喜欢 0 阅读量: 738 作者: Lawrence Venuti 摘要: Introduction. Foundational Statements. 1. Jerome, Letter to Pammachius. Translated by Kathleen Davis. 2. Nicolas Perrot D'Ablancourt, Prefaces to Tacitus and Lucian. Translated by ...
third edition of this classic reader has been fully revised and updated and adds a new section: 2000 and beyond , which includes five new readings. These new readings bring the Reader up to date with recent developments in the field and include articles on translation and world literature and...
The Translation Studies Reader 作者:Lawrence Venuti (ed.) 出版社:Routledge 出版年:2012-5-24 页数:564 定价:GBP 120.00 装帧:Hardcover ISBN:9780415613477 豆瓣评分 9.7 18人评价 5星 88.9% 4星 11.1% 3星 0.0% 2星 0.0% 1星 0.0% 评价: 写笔记...
《The Translation Studies Reader》作者:Routledge,出版社:2004年8月,ISBN:。TheTranslationStudiesReaderprovidesadefinitivesurv
The Translation Studies Reader provides a definitive survey of the most important and influential developments in translation theory and research, with an emphasis on twentieth-century developments. With introductory essays prefacing each section, the book places a wide range of seminal and innovative re...
The Translation Studies Reader Edited by Lawrence Venuti Advisory Editor: Mona Baker London and New York -iii- First published 2000 by Routledge 11 New Fetter Lane, London EC4P 4EE Simulataneously published in the USA and Canada by Routledge 29 West 35th Street, New York, NY 10001 Reprinted ...
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All understanding, and the demonstrative statement of understanding which is translation, starts with an act of trust...But the trust can never be final. It is betrayed, trivially, by nonsense, by the discovery that 'there is nothing there'...After trust comes aggression. The third movement ...