The Transformers: The Movie: Directed by Nelson Shin. With Norman Alden, Jack Angel, Michael Bell, Gregg Berger. The Autobots must stop a colossal planet-consuming robot who goes after the Autobot Matrix of Leadership. At the same time, they must defend
Español (México) The Transformers: The Movie(1986) Showing all 24 items Jump to: Photos(2) Quotes(22) Photos Quotes [Optimus Prime has thrown Megatron to the ground] Kup:Finish him off, Prime! Do it now! [Optimus Prime picks up his laser rifle and takes aim] ...
Transformers: The Movie: Unicron Attacks (Restoration) The Transformers: The Movie 11 1:13 Transformers: The Movie: Optimus Prime Vs. Megatron The Transformers: The Movie 11 1:47 Transformers: The Movie: Hot Rod Vs. The Decepticons The Transformers: The Movie 1:27 Transformers: The Movie: Ga...
Transformers: The Animated Movie(Alternate Retelling) Promotions The movie was advertised on related 1986 toy packages via theDecipher the DecepticonSweepstakes, which included a pack-in poster and contest. The movie was heavily advertised directly by TV commercials, and tail-end segments on Transformer...
The Transformers: The Movie《变形金刚大电影(1986)》完整中英文对照剧本.docx,奥布勒斯 看! 那是宇宙大帝! Arblus, look! Its Unicron! 飞船! 快上飞船 那是我们唯一的机会! The ships! Get to the ships, its our only chance! 克兰尼克斯! 啊! ! ! Kranix! AAAARGH!!
《变形金刚:大电影(虚构)The Transformers: The Movie(fictional)》是G1连续性族系宇宙Generation 1 continuity family的电影 1985年左右,随着对变形金刚Transformers的壮举的了解,一部关于他们的戏剧电影《变形金刚:大电影The Transformers: The Movie》上映了。 标题也显示为《变形金刚:大电影The Transformers: The ...
2看过 9想看 片 名变形金刚:大电影 上映时间1986年08月08日(美国) 导 演尼尔森·申 又 名变形金刚大电影 The Transformers: Th... 编剧Ron Friedm... 主 演诺曼·阿尔登Jack Angel迈克尔·比尔Gregg BergerSusan Blu 剧情 版本一: 2005年,霸天虎占领了塞伯坦,汽车人在塞伯坦卫星建立秘密基地准备反击。霸天虎...
全部播放 专辑名:The Transformers: The Movie (original motion picture score) 歌手:vince dicola 发行时间:2014-01-07 简介:2005年,经过多年的正邪之争,汽车人终于将霸天虎赶出地球。然而威震天却率领部众入侵了汽车人的总部塞伯坦行星,擎天柱留下通天晓等战士驻守地球,自己则带人马于塞伯坦旁边的两颗卫星建立秘密基...
The Transformers: The Movie (Score) 表演者: Vince DiCola 流派: 原声专辑类型: 专辑发行时间: 2016-06-03 出版者: 索尼音乐 唱片数: 1 条形码: 0886444422048 豆瓣评分 暂无评分 想听 在听 听过 评价: 写短评 写乐评 加入豆列 分享到 推荐 曲目· ··· Unicron Attacks Moon Base 2 - Shuttle Laun...
Transformers是将“The Transformers: The Movie"翻译成 土耳其文。 译文示例:It was later announced on May 23 that the song was to be featured in the movie Transformers: Dark of the Moon. ↔ Bunun ardından, şarkının 23 Mayıs'ta vizyona giren Transformers: Ayın Karanl...