The Transformers: The Movie: Directed by Nelson Shin. With Norman Alden, Jack Angel, Michael Bell, Gregg Berger. The Autobots must stop a colossal planet-consuming robot who goes after the Autobot Matrix of Leadership. At the same time, they must defend
Español (México) The Transformers: The Movie(1986) Showing all 24 items Jump to: Photos(2) Quotes(22) Photos Quotes [Optimus Prime has thrown Megatron to the ground] Kup:Finish him off, Prime! Do it now! [Optimus Prime picks up his laser rifle and takes aim] ...
Transformers: The Movie 30th Anniversary Trailer Revisits The 80s Classic Transformers: The Movie will be getting a special edition 4k version and Blu-ray release this September. ByRyan ScottAug 9, 2016 DVD, Blu-ray Release Dates Transformers: The Movie 30th Anniversary Blu-ray Is Coming This ...
【片名】: The Transformers: The Movie 【又名】: 变形金刚:大电影 【地区】: 美国 / 日本 【影片类型】: 动作 / 冒险 / 科幻 / 家庭 / 动画 【影片年代】: 1986 【导演】: Nelson Shin 【编剧】: Ron Friedman 【主演】: 诺曼·阿尔登 / 杰克·安琪 / Michael Bell / Gregg Berger / Susan Blu...
2看过 9想看 片 名变形金刚:大电影 上映时间1986年08月08日(美国) 导 演尼尔森·申 又 名变形金刚大电影 The Transformers: Th... 编剧Ron Friedm... 主 演诺曼·阿尔登Jack Angel迈克尔·比尔Gregg BergerSusan Blu 剧情 版本一: 2005年,霸天虎占领了塞伯坦,汽车人在塞伯坦卫星建立秘密基地准备反击。霸天虎...
Transformers the Movie on DVD 项目 2006/11/21 Just because I am a nerdy geek from the 80's, here is a fun tool many of you will love that you would never admit out loud. Don't worry, your secret is safe with me...Just hit the "Play Sound". IE7 users will have to hit it...
变形金刚大电影为剧场版,国英日粤四语四字幕;大小约4.7G,单集播放时长约85分钟;因年代久远所以清晰度就不要苛求了,已经是能找到的最清晰版本;格式为MKV,方便在电视机或电脑、平板、IPAD、早教机、手机等各种设备播放! 变形金刚大电影 简介 2005年,经过多年的正邪之争,汽车人终于将霸天虎赶出地球。然而,威震天却...
Amazon Commissions Earned Film Title: The Transformers: The Movie (1986) Release Date: 2021 Rating: PG Runtime: 85 minutes Region Coding: Region Free (4K), Region A (Blu-ray) Distributor: Shout! Factory Audio Formats: DTS-HD MA 2.0 Stereo & 5.1 High Dyna
专辑名:The Transformers The Movie (Original Motion Picture Soundtrack) 歌手:vince dicola 发行时间:2007-05-29 简介:On May 29, 2007, the soundtrack was given the 20th Anniversary Special Edition treatment as did the movie when it was released on DVD on November 7, 2006. This version include...
The Transformers: The Movie (1986) 初版标志那完美设计的字体一出,80s硬摇滚的热力扑面而来,份量恰当那个块头变形动作正派流畅精到,这近卅年前的片头华丽丽地秒杀了今天的大制作(当然当年也大制作),还一剑封喉——这直叫人下巴大跌。 最明显问题是缺节奏过渡。跟现真人版电影有承袭传统,也找乐队(但现听来仍...