Today, Netflix announced that the first and second seasons ofThe Touristwill be available in February. The series stars Jamie Dornan and Danielle Macdonald and was created and written by Harry and Jack Williams. The show features Shalom Brune-Franklin and Greg Larsen as co-stars alongside Dornan...
The series comes as another in a series of Agatha Christie adaptations, but it will be the first one headed by Netflix, as most of the other adaptations were helmed by either BBC or ITV, i.e., British studios. And while this series is also going to have a “British air” to it, ...
In theaters Wednesday, Nov. 27 (and on Netflix Dec. 8) Angelina Joliegives a committed, center-stage, Oscar-bait performance as temperamental diva Maria Callas, a 20thcentury singing superstar who thrilled audiences all over the world. But by the 1970s, Callas’ voice and body were fading ...
Being a lover of classic British horror for years I’ve been wanting to give a classic period tale a modern, harder, stylish edge.Heretiksis the perfect vehicle to do this. It’s both a richly-layered medieval character piece and a wonderful chance to showcase the latest in visual... ...
If you’re a horror-movie aficionado, you’ve seen more vampires, werewolves, zombies, and serial killers than you could shake a stick, stake, silver bullet, or arrest warrant at.Isn’t it high time that the witches of cinema also get the acclaim they deserve? A great witch movie is ...
WATCHING The Tourist. Into the second series now. It’s quite farcical this time around, lots of humour HOPING for more QI on catch up, not sure why it wasn’t on this week. ‘Ultras’ episode is next, on 6th February (BBC.) Would I Lie to You was very funny with Craig Charles ...
In Thailand and the Philippines, entire islands had to be closed off from tourist throngs to save them from destruction. Today, thanks in no small part to cheap jet fuel and budget airfares, one can fly nonstop from major cities across Europe, Asia and the Gulf to places like Phuket, ...
The story of two kids whose uncle runs one of those tourist-trap mystery shops — only this one contains some actual mysteries — works for all ages. Gravity Falls hulu The Handmaid’s Tale Years: 2017-presentLength: 5 seasons, 56 episodesCreator: Bruce Miller Hulu has lagged behind ...
What Netflix is to streaming at large, Crunchyroll is to anime streaming. If you want the biggest library of titles with a mix of classics such asRevolutionary Girl Utenaand new hits includingJujutsu Kaisen, you can’t do much better than Crunchyroll. Since its acquisition of Funimation, no...
Sustainable development is a subject of study and consideration by scientists and policymakers, especially the sustainable development of the night-time economy. The night-time economy refers to the various economic activities and businesses that primari