24. The show is among the drama series highlights at this year’s market.Teresa Palmer (The Clearing, The Fall Guy), Miranda Richardson (Good Omens) and Danielle Macdonald (The Tourist) star in The Last Anniversary, alongside Helen Thomson (Colin From Accounts), Susan Prior (Animal Kingdom...
Today, Netflix announced that the first and second seasons ofThe Touristwill be available in February. The series stars Jamie Dornan and Danielle Macdonald and was created and written by Harry and Jack Williams. The show features Shalom Brune-Franklin and Greg Larsen as co-stars alongside Dornan...
She has since gone on to star in films like “Lady Bird,”“Bird Box,”“Dumplin’,” and “French Exit.” She most recently appeared in the BBC One/HBO Max series “The Tourist” as Helen, while her past TV roles include “American Horror Story: Roanoke,”“Unbelievable,” and “2...
How to watch: One Day is now streaming on Netflix. 14. The Tourist (Season 2) Credit: Two Brothers Pictures / Netflix Originally a BBC series, The Tourist stars Jamie Dornan as a hot Irishman who wakes up with amnesia in an Australian hospital. First, he's got to sort out what ...
Also ranks #5 on The Most Watched Netflix Original Movies Of 2019, Ranked By Viewers 10 Dark Tourist 60 votes 11 Lover, Stalker, Killer Sam Hobkinson 29 votes A man tries online dating. Actors: Christopher Maher, Katie Otten, Jessica N Johnson Released: 2024 Also ranks #1...
And even as a TV pedant who gets annoyed when someone refers toBetter Call Saulas a Netflix show, I have to admit to being as susceptible to the Netflix Effect as everyone else. I watched the first couple of episodes of the first seasons of bothThe TouristandResident Alienprior to the...
From “Roma” and “Buster Scruggs” to “Bird Box” and “Bright,” as well as recent entries like “Eurovision,”“Da 5 Bloods,” and “The Irishman,” we rank every Netflix original movie that’s ever been made.
How to watch: A Tourist's Guide to Love is now streaming on Netflix. 24. True Spirit Credit: Netflix In 2009, Australian teen Jessica Watson attempted to sail solo around the world. In 2023, Netflix released this dramatized retelling of her journey. Expect all the hallmarks of a sailin...
Also ranks #5 on The Most Watched Netflix Original Movies Of 2019, Ranked By Viewers 10 Dark Tourist 60 votes A journalist travels the world exploring unconventional and eerie tourist destinations that are often associated with death, disaster, and the macabre. These journeys provid...
【Netflix】非常旅行者/黑暗系游客 全8集 官方双语字幕 Dark Tourist (2018) 纪录片 / 人物 共25集 2.7万人观看 1S01E01 拉丁美洲 Latin America - 1 13:35 2S01E01 拉丁美洲 Latin America - 2 13:42 3S01E01 拉丁美洲 Latin America - 3 13:31 4S01E02 日本 Japan - 1 13:41 5S01E02 日本...