Torah Portion Articles on the weekly Torah readings, including inspiration and explanations.Jewish Holidays Lists of holidays Parashat Shemot: Compassion and respect for others By RABBI SHMUEL RABINOWITZ Parashat Shemot: Women as leaders By RABBI JONATHAN SACKS Parashat Vayehi: A nation of ...
Torah portion:Parashat Tetzaveh Havdalah: 7:06pm Powered byHebcal Shabbat Times Weather Community Links The Village of Cedarhurst Village of Hewlett Harbor Village of Lawrence Village of Woodsburgh Inside Inwood Police non-emergency number: 888-684-4274 ...
(Exodus 21:1) In last week’s portion of Scripture, Israel … Featured Story The Message of the Mezuzah The mezuzah is a well-recognized, visible sign of a Jewish home or business that has contained a powerful message for thousands of years. Israel Magazine The Covenant of Circumcision ...
This Shabbat, a special reading is added to the Torah Portion(Exodus 12:1–20), which details the laws ofPesach(Passover),since the festival ofPesachis but a couple of weeks away (March 25–April 2). Holding up the Torah scroll at the Western (Wailing) Wall in Jerusalem In the last ...
Divine Presence within their hearts… In our Torah portion for this week (i.e.,Parashat Terumah), we read how God asked the people to offer “gifts from the heart” to create a “place” for Him: “Let them make for me a sanctuary that I may dwell in their midst” (Exod. 25:8)...
In this Torah portion, Moses describes the Covenant between God and the Israelites, and sets before them a choice. Hear more in this week’s animated short about the Torah portion. Dahlia Lithwick writes about the courts and the law for Slate and hosts the podcast Amicus. Her work has app...
The actual "quest" they were on took detours into past life regressions showing various historical figures which made for an interesting story. I picked this book up without reading Book I and that was probably a mistake, I felt as if I was missing something for a good portion of the ...
This week’s Torah narrator, Jay Michaelson invites the spies of Parshat Shelach Lecha to look inside themselves and see what the true story behind the challenges to come is: WE CAN DO IT!! Shelach-Lecha Source Sheet free download Shelach Lecha Lesson Guide $3.00 – Purchase Browse...
However, this Torah portion helps us see how Yeshua took the full measure of the curse on our behalf by hanging on a tree. “Yeshua HaMashiach (Jesus the Messiah), who gave himself for us to redeem us from all wickedness and to purify for himself a people that are his very own, eag...
Everything you need to know about Judaism and being Jewish: the weekly Torah portion, Jewish holidays, Jewish rituals and more.Jewish Holidays Lists of holidays Torah Portion Shabbat candle-lighting times for Israel and the US By JERUSALEM POST STAFF Parashat Va'era: Pharaoh’s sin of hubris...