Hi,小朋友们,欢迎来到“睡前英语阅读”!今天,我们要一起阅读一个超经典的童话故事——《三只小猪》(The Three Little Pigs)!故事简介 从前,有三只小猪,他们各自盖了自己的房子:· 大哥用稻草搭了一个房子,轻飘飘的;· 二哥用木头搭了一个房子,结实一些;· 小弟则用砖头盖了一个最坚固的房子。但...
The Three Little Pigs Once upon a time , there lived three little pigs. Each little pig built a house. The first little pig built a straw house. 从前,有三只小猪。 每只小猪都改了座房子。 第一只小猪盖的是草房子。 A wolf knocke...
Once upon a time there were three little pigs and the time came for them to leave home and seek their fortunes.Before they left,their mother told them " Whatever you do ,do it the best that you can because that's the way to get along in the world.The first little pig built his ...
the three little pigs《The Three Little Pigs》是一部经典的童话故事,通过三只小猪独立建造房屋的经历传递了勤劳与智慧的重要性。下文将围绕故事核心、教育意义、适读年龄及互动技巧展开分析。 一、故事的核心情节 三只小猪离开父母独立生活后,各自选择不同材料建造房屋。猪小弟用...
The three little pigs ___ houses. A. build B. builds C. building D. built 相关知识点: 试题来源: 解析 A。本题考查动词的一般现在时。主语“The three little pigs”是复数,所以动词用原形 build。builds 是第三人称单数形式,building 是现在分词,built 是过去式。反馈 ...
The Three Little Pigs 古人说:“读书破万卷,下笔如有神。”的确,读书,可以拓宽我们的眼界,获得丰富的知识;读书,能引导我们明理,学会如何做个有修养的人;今天分享的英语小故事叫《Three little pigs》,读完这篇故事,我们可以让孩子们...
The Three Little Pigs N--- narrator, MP--- Mother pig , FP--- first pig, SP--- Second pig, TP--- Third pig, M---man N: Once upon a time there was a mother pig who had three little pigs. The three little pigs grew so big that their mother said to them. MP: You are ...
The three little pigs三只小猪Once upon a time there were three little pigs. One day, they decided to leave home and build houses of their own.中The first little pig thought The second little pig thought The third little pig thought he could use straw to build a he could use sticks to...
In the end, the wolf gave up and ran away, never to bother the three little pigs again. And the three little pigs lived happily ever after in their sturdy brick house. 最后,狼放弃了,跑了,再也不去打扰三只小猪了。三只小猪在他们坚固的砖房里过着幸福的生活。