The Three Pigs The Play Characters Narrator Pig 1 Pig 2 Pig 3 Wolf 0 1 Wolf Pig 1 Pig 2 Let me in. No, no! Pig 1 No! Wolf Then I will blow Wolf Then I will blow your house down. your house down. Narrator And he did. Narrator And he did. The two little pigs ran ...
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英文原版 The Three Little Pigs三只小猪 儿童早教 认知机关书 幼儿故事启蒙绘本 pdf epub mobi txt 电子书 下载 具体描述 基本信息 出版社: Little Simon; Ina Nov (2011年5月17日) 精装: 14页 读者对象: 3 - 6 岁 语种: 英语 条形码: 9781442421073 商品尺寸: 15.2 x 1.3 x 15.2 cm 商品重量: 181 ...
the Three Little Pigs绘本 下载价格5阅读币,VIP免费,请先登录立即下载 任何疑问或反馈,都可联系微信号:bobopapacompdf格式,在iPad或其它的电子书上阅读时可查词。 适合阶段:幼儿园 上一篇I Feel Angry Why do I feel angry today 下一篇This Is How We Make Friends For little kids going to big school...
The Three Little Pigs(书籍视频)-Read Aloud Classics 新课标二级(5-6年级)2024/10/112 储值0下载 没有更多喽 温馨提示 1、有“在线播放”字样的资料,购买后可在线播放完整资料,不支持下载哦~ 2、当批量购买的文件过大时,系统会将资料会打包成多个压缩包供用户下载。
Once upon a time, in a quiet little town, there lived three little pigs. One day the pigs decided it was time to leave their mother's home, off they went to build homes of their own. 介绍 从前,在一个安静的小镇上,住着三只小猪。一天,猪...
1、The Three Little PigsN- narrator, MP- Mother pig , FP- first pig, SP- Second pig, TP- Third pig, M-manN: Once upon a time there was a mother pig who had three little pigs. The three little pigs grew so big that their mother said to them.MP: You are too big to live ...