The Theory of Planned Behaviour (TPB) states that three key elements, namely (ⅰ) attitude, (ⅱ) social norm and (ⅲ) perceived behavioural control, contribute to the formulation of behavioural intention, which in turn influences the execution of behaviour. The research reported in this paper ...
The Theory of Planned Behaviour (TPB) can identify cognitions that predict differences in behaviour between individuals. However, it is not clear whether the TPB can predict the behaviour of an individual person. This study employs a series of n-of-1 studies and time series analyses to examine...
Cooper, G., Barkatsas, T., Strathdee, R. (2016). The theory of planned behaviour (TPB) in educational research using structural equation modelling (SEM). In Barkatsas, T. (Ed.),Cooper, G. Barkatsas, T. & Strathdee, R. 2016. The theory of planned behaviour (TPB) in educational ...
Predicting entrepreneurial behaviour: A test of the theory of planned behaviour. Applied Economics 45, 697-707.Kautonen, T., Van Gelderen, M. & Tornikoski, E. T. 2013. Predicting entrepreneurial behaviour: a test of the theory of planned behaviour. Applied Economics, 45(6), 697-707....
aimplementation context, many governments have invested huge amounts of money and manpower to make [translate] ausing them. The electronic document management system (EDMS) is the most popular intergovernmental [translate] aUsing the theory of planned behavior (TPB) as a theoretical framework, ...
Accordingly, research suggests a need for theory-driven concussion interventions that go beyond those that aim at increasing concussion knowledge alone. This study will apply the theory of planned behaviour (TPB) to the development and evaluation of a targeted concussion education programme for athletes...
We aimed to develop reliable belief scales, a methodological innovation in the context of the theory of planned behaviour (TPB), as single belief items are typically used as predictors for direct measures. The expectancy-value product proved useful for identifying categories of teachers’ beliefs ...
The Theory of Planned Behaviour (TPB) has received considerable attention in the literature. The present study is a quantitative integration and review of that research. From a database of 185 independent studies published up to the end of 1997, the TPB accounted for 27% and 39% of the vari...
Road crashes are largely attributed to driving violations, a behaviour which is committed willingly. The most commonly used theoretical model to predict this behaviour has been the theory of planned behaviour (TPB) and its predecessor, the theory of reasoned action. This study includes a sample of...
UK TheTheoryofPlannedBehaviour(TPB)hasreceivedconsiderableattentionin theliterature.Thepresentstudyisaquantitativeintegrationandreviewofthat research.Fromadatabaseof185independentstudiespublisheduptotheend of1997,theTPBaccountedfor27%and39%ofthevarianceinbehaviour andintention,respectively.Theperceivedbehaviouralcontrol(...