E-Government Adoption Model Based on Theory of Planned Behavior:Empirical validation. Ozkan S,Kanat I E. Journal of Government Information . 2011Ozkan S,Kanat I E.E-Government Adoption Model Based on Theory of Planned Behavior:Empirical Validation[J].Government Information Quarterly,2011,28(4):...
1. 健康信念模型 (Health Belief Model, HBM):这个模型提出,个体的健康行为是由对健康威胁的感知(包括感知到的严重性和感知到的易感性)和对健康行为利益的评估(包括感知到的利益和障碍)共同决定的。 2. 计划行为理论 (Theory of Planned Behavior, TPB):根据这个理论,个体的...
从分解计划行为理论(Decomposed Theory of Planned Behavior,DTPB)中对个体意愿影响因素的分析来看,能够为乡村教师教育技术吸纳的影响因素分析提供借鉴。DTPB是计划行为理论(Theory of Planned Behavior,TPB)的具体化。计划行为理论认为人的行为受到个人意愿的影响,意愿...
leek Ajzen1985年提出的计划行为理论( Theory of Planned Behavior,TPB),作为行为意向研究的普适模型,计划行为理论已被广泛地应用到心理、教育、消费等不同领域的行为研究上。该理论认为,人的行为是经过深思熟虑的计划的结果。该理论将影响个体行为意向的因素的分为3个方面:一是“行为态度”,指个体对行为的一种...
计划行为理论(Theory of Planned Behavior ,TPB )是由Icek Ajzen 提出,它是Ajzen 和Fishbein 于1980年提出的理性行为理论(Theory of Reasoned Action ,TRA )基础之上发展而来。该理论认为,个体行为是由行为意愿所决定,行为意愿是指个体想要采取某一特定行为的行动动机或倾向。而行为意愿由3个变量———行为...
Despite the increasing popularity of social networking Web sites (SNWs), very little is known about the psychosocial variables that predict people's use of these Web sites. The present study used an extended model of the theory of planned behavior (TPB), including the additional variables of se...
aUsing the theory of planned behavior (TPB) as a theoretical framework, this study investigates the effect of a set of antecedent factors on the intention to accept EDMS. Collected from a sample of 186 users of real e-Government's EDMS in Taiwan, the results strongly support the utilization...
基于TPB理论的品牌茶叶消费行为影响因素研究 张菊香,杨惠媛 (厦门大学 嘉庚学院,福建 漳州 363105)摘 要:随着社会经济的快速发展和人们的健康意识不断提升,饮茶成为新时尚。在此背景下,本文基于计划行为理论,构建了品牌茶叶消费行为影响因素的研究模型,通过问卷调查并运用SPSS24.0进行数据分析。研究表明:行为态度...
本文的研究基于理性行为理论(theory of reasoned action,TRA)和计划行为理论(theory of planned behavior,TPB),侧重于分析态度如何有意识地影响个体行为,关注基于认知信息的态度形成过程。认为人是理性的,在做出某一行为之前会综合各种信息来考虑自...
The technology acceptance model (TAM), the unified theory of acceptance and the use of technology (UTAUT), the theory of planned behavior (TPB), the theory of reasoned actions (TRA), and the expectation confirmation theory were used in pursuit of understanding how well technological and ...