illegitimate - of marriages and offspring; not recognized as lawful 7. base - debased; not genuine; "an attempt to eliminate the base coinage" counterfeit, imitative - not genuine; imitating something superior; "counterfeit emotion"; "counterfeit money"; "counterfeit works of art"; "a counterfe...
Related to parse:firebase,Parse error (pärs) v.parsed,pars·ing,pars·es 1. a.To break (a sentence) down into its component parts of speech with an explanation of the form, function, and syntactical relationship of each part. ...
I think the closest equivalent to what you're asking for would be to start with the key window's root view controller and then find the "most-presented" (for lack of a better term) view controller. Something like this:复制 var window= UIApplication.SharedApplication.KeyWindow; var vc = ...
79. Battle for Firebase Mary Ann - Some 50 NVA sappers attacked at night, then slipped away. The U.S. Army suffered 33 killed and 83 wounded among the 231 soldiers at the base. Their brigade commander was relieved of duty and the firebase closed....
The termTech Stackis mainly used indeveloper circlesandfacilitates the exchange between the structure of applications.Marketing circles often talk aboutMarTech stack, just like sales or software developers talk aboutsales stacks. Tech stacksare sometimes calledsolutions stacks, too. ...
Of course, music was not just an offensive weapon. It could be used as a defensive weapon to help save lives. This daily newspaperTargetwas published on Saipan by the Information and Education Section of the Western Pacific Base Command. The 1 May 1945 issue is of interest because it mentio...
is that in all these years I have never had the chance to go back to Viet Nam myself. It is truly amazing that so few people know so little, if anything, about our program there. Thank God I married a soldier whom I met there at that tim because he completely understands what it ...
According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics(link is external), the US is expected to have a shortage of 1.2 million developers by 2026. Finding qualified candidates who fit the criteria will be difficult in a talent shortage. Long-term solutions are needed to help alleviate the pressure current...
illegitimate - of marriages and offspring; not recognized as lawful 7. base - debased; not genuine; "an attempt to eliminate the base coinage" counterfeit, imitative - not genuine; imitating something superior; "counterfeit emotion"; "counterfeit money"; "counterfeit works of art"; "a counterfe...
illegitimate - of marriages and offspring; not recognized as lawful 7. base - debased; not genuine; "an attempt to eliminate the base coinage" counterfeit, imitative - not genuine; imitating something superior; "counterfeit emotion"; "counterfeit money"; "counterfeit works of art"; "a counterfe...