Here is my main.dart file: import'package:brew_crew/screens/wrapper.dart';import'package:brew_crew/services/auth.dart';import'package:flutter/material.dart';import'package:firebase_core/firebase_core.dart';import'package:provider/provider.dart';import'package:brew_crew/models/user.dart';voidm...
而你实际想要这样做: 7)在字符串首尾忘记加引号(导致“SyntaxError: EOL while scanning string literal”) 该错误发生在如下代码中...: 8)变量或者函数名拼写错误(导致“NameError: name ‘fooba’ is not defined”) 该错误发生在如下代码中: 9)方法名拼写错误(导致 “AttributeError...) 该错误发生在如下代...
You may not be sensitive to that, but you should know that is a tradeoff this branch may disappear after the PR is merged though we will try to keep it alive until release of firebase-ios-sdk 10.1.0 when hopefully this fix in the PR is in place for the normal process of just pullin...
The problem is in the moment that I added the dependencies. First start to ask for the initialization, if I initialize it I get this error: FirebaseError: Messaging: This browser doesn't support the API's required to use the firebase SDK. (messaging/unsupported-browser).and the app stops...
General (Android): Fixes regression in 6.16.0 about Android build error "Program type already present:" when make Android build with Crashlytics SDK in Unity 2019 and below. General: Significantly reduced the filesize of the Linux libraries. Database (Desktop...
error(`${err.code} - ${err.message}`) return res.status(401).send({ message: 'Unauthorized' }); } } Now, let’s create a src/auth/authorized.ts file. In this handler, we extract the user’s info from res.locals we set previously and validate if it has the role required to ...
bodyasSignUpData;constbody=req.body;try{constuser=awaitauth.createUser(body);consttoken=awaitauth.createCustomToken(user.uid,{isAdmin:true,//... add other custom claims as need be});res.send({token});}catch(error){if(errorinstanceofFirebaseError)res.status(400).json({message:error.message...
: Using Firebase SDK version '10.0.0' defined in 'firebase_core' firebase_core: Using Firebase SDK versio 浏览26提问于2022-11-02得票数 0 5回答 颤振: iOS未显示的颤振火基破折号 、、、 我无法为iOS (为Android工作)显示崩溃日志。我测试了以下几个方面: Crashlytics.instance.recordError(new ...
General (Android): Fixes regression in 6.16.0 about Android build error "Program type already present:" when make Android build with Crashlytics SDK in Unity 2019 and below. General: Significantly reduced the filesize of the Linux libraries. Database (Desktop...