Their long-term disturbance is usually accompanied by serious diseases such as metabolic disorders, cardiovascular diseases, or even cancer. While epigenetics is a term that refers to different stimuli that induce modifications in gene expression patterns without structural changes in the inherited DNA ...
This example highlights a lack of cultural awareness and its wider implication when the term like ‘Māori’ is used to honor of the Māori people of ANZ. Other similar examples also occur with Carabidae (ground beetle) (e.g., Maoriharpalus sutherlandi, Kupeharpalus johnsi, and Hakaharpalus ...
Ignatius, just as in the play Bruno had retreated into the wilderness to found his monastery and lead a life of spiritual contemplation. The actor who played Cenodoxus himself then joined a Jesuit novitiate, and passed the rest of his life in the religious modesty of the Society of Jesus....
In July 2012, the ATLAS and CMS collaborations at the CERN Large Hadron Collider announced the observation of a Higgs boson at a mass of around 125 gigaelectronvolts. Ten years later, and with the data corresponding to the production of a 30-times lar
Finally, a third challenge relates to the dynamics of the pandemic: many studies are based on early and short-term measures. It is unclear whether these results only reflect harvesting effects due to a temporary mortality shock on individuals particularly at risk. In particular, one cannot ...
We studied other possible connections between ARs and ice-shelf weakening and did not find conclusive evidence for a direct relationship between AR activity and ice-shelf basal melting, one of the long-term precursors of ice-shelf collapse37. Indeed, looking at ocean hindcasts from 1979 to 201838...
Strictly speaking, the term hieroglyphic as coined by the Gr. historians refers only to the pictographic form of the Egyp. signs. However, in usage it has developed the added connotation of a mixed pictographic-logographic and syllabic script. The monumental carvings in which hieroglyphic inscrs...
[ii]This term was applied to Herbert by his contemporary Richard Baxter, a Puritan divine. Herbert’s feast day is February 27. [iii]Paul Zweig,Departures(New York: Penguin Books, 1988), q. inDeath(Lapham’s Quarterly, Vol. VI, No. 4, Fall 2013, p. 210). Zweig wrote this c. 198...
Chebogue Point (CBG), Canada. A short-term, ground-based field site was established as part of the International Consortium for Atmospheric Research on Transport and Transformation (ICARTT) at Chebogue Point33. This coastal site was located at the south-west tip of Nova Scotia, Canada, ...
The best hunted-man thriller (or “shocker,” to use the author’s term) ever, at least until Geoffrey Household’s Rogue Male. Like Edgar Rice Burroughs and Jack London, Buchan’s prose juxtaposes realistic hunted-man chases, violent weather, and hand-to-hand combat with fantasy and ...