The Tea Party is still taking shape; Political movement has better sense of its power than its directionAnn GerhartPhilip Rucker
Political Power: The Tea Party Movement是Bluewater创作的英文图书类小说,QQ阅读提供Political Power: The Tea Party Movement部分章节免费在线阅读,此外还提供Political Power: The Tea Party Movement全本在线阅读。
party movement exploded onto the political scene in 2009 as a backlash to the agenda pushed by President Barack Obama and congressional Democrats, but a little more than a year later, a POLITICO survey found tea party activists unhappy with many of the biggest names in the Republican Party. An...
“So, I think the media has blown the tea party themselves out of proportion.” What’s more, the eruption of protest after a president of a new party takes the country in a new direction is a standard feature of modern American politics. Ronald Reagan’s election produced record-...
Other tea party groups, which are very proud of their grassroots nature, complain that the Tea Party Express, which is run by a known GOP political group with 30 years of campaign experience, is trying to co-opt the movement. The Tea Party express has certainly backed candidates who aren'...
The Tea Party and the Remaking of Republican Conservatism 2024 pdf epub mobi 用户评价 评分☆☆☆ 为什么这股并不受欢迎的势力能有那么大的影响力? 评分☆☆☆ 为什么这股并不受欢迎的势力能有那么大的影响力? 评分☆☆☆ Political science is primarily a study about people rather than numbers —...
(2011). The tea party movement, framing, and the US media. Social Movement Studies: Journal of Social, Cultural and Political Protest, 10, 341-366.Boykoff, Jules and Eulalie Lashever. 2011. "The Tea Party Movement, Framing and the US Media" Social Movement Studies: Journal of Social, ...
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The Tea Party is the most significant movement in 21st century American politics. A boon to conservative Republicans, it has complicated the political lives of moderate Republicans and fostered conflict and contentiousness in the broader policymaking environment. While the impact of the Tea Party movem...