这意味着,tea party的意涵在一开始其实是指的倾倒茶叶的人,而这些人,就是由下面这个人,塞缪尔·亚...
Tea Party causes personal rifts for some: ; Allegiance to political group has hurt friendships, familiesSANDHYA SOMASHEKHAR
"Tea Party" has become something of a catch-all term to describe an impassioned and empowered group of populist conservatives. They are largely antigovernment, a lot of them are self-described libertarians, and many say they are new to political activism. It is easy to think of them as a...
Tea Party movement, conservative populist social and political movement that emerged in 2009 in the United States, generally opposing excessive taxation and government intervention in the private sector while supporting stronger immigration controls. Lea
Tea Party Patriots are members of a political party that is affiliated with the Tea Party movement in the United States, a ...
Other tea party groups, which are very proud of their grassroots nature, complain that the Tea Party Express, which is run by a known GOP political group with 30 years of campaign experience, is trying to co-opt the movement. The Tea Party express has certainly backed candidates who aren'...
Boston Tea Party, precursor to the American Revolution in which 342 chests of tea belonging to the British East India Company were thrown into Boston Harbor by American patriots disguised as Mohawk Indians on December 16, 1773. They were protesting a tax
The Tea Party protests therefore seem to cause a shift to the right in terms of policymaking, both directly and through the selection of politicians in elections. Seems like a GOP political consultant should be very pleased with this research (assuming, of course, that they’re motivated by ...
Tea party reeling Cruz to Republicans: 'Lighten up a little' Ben Carson mocks 'political class' Gohmert set to challenge Boehner McCain's big purge McConnell: Senate 'didn't do squat for years' POLITICO Pro Issa takes last stab at IRS for tea party affair ...
For two decades, the Canadian rock band The Tea Party performed without any connection to politics. Then, the small government political movement sprang up and changed everything, including the kind of visitors that headed to the music group’s website, TeaParty.com. ...