These factors have had a great impact on the Syrian population and its cultural heritage, including direct effects on the ICH and its safeguarding (Tomeh-Tabet & Hayajneh, 2015). Over the past decade, many studies, surveys and projects have been conducted that dealt with ICH in the context...
Danisi C (2017) Taking the ‘Union’ out of ‘EU’: The EU-Turkey Statement on the Syrian Refugee Crisis as an Agreement Between States under International Law.
descended on the world like a plague from the late 1960s onwards. In just three years from 1968 to 1971 there were nearly 200 aerial hijackings globally and the numbers grew exponentially over the decade (‘Hijacking’,Britannica, Many ...
of elegant monotony”. The city’s large open lawns, plazas, and fields have been likened to wastelands. Structures intended 65 years ago to represent the future, now crumbling, accentuate this sense of decay and obsolescence (‘Brasília, national capital, Brazil’,Britannica,
Cannabis Britannica (Book Reviews) — March 30 Book Reviews — March 29 The Hobbit (Movie and DVD Reviews) — March 29 McCain sees the light: campaign finance reform dead (Editorials) — March 29 The future of health care is AIG (Editorials) — March 25 Vote on performance, not ...
—Encyclopædia Britannica Online,s. v. “Sykes-Picot Agreement”, accessed April 05, 2016, Arab Delegation to Paris No one from the West bothered to ask the peoples of these “minor” territories or their leaders how they wished themsel...
Fact-checked by The Editors of Encyclopaedia Britannica Last Updated: Jan 28, 2025 • Article History Quick Facts Date: 1919 - present Areas Of Involvement: social welfare program refugee youth See all related content News • 'No safe place to go to from Goma' for millions as huma...
“moderate” Syrians. As U.S.-led attacks increased, Obama worked to grow the coalition of countries that had committed to confronting ISIL. By the end of the month, some 20 countries were contributing air support or military equipment to the coalition effort, includingFrance, Britain,Saudi ...
Fact-checked by The Editors of Encyclopaedia Britannica Last Updated: Jan 16, 2025 • Article History The economic expansion that started in the early 19th century laid the foundations for internal developments in Sweden during the 20th century. The turning point came during and immediately after ...
requested that the Constitutional Court allow for the 2016 presidential election to be postponed; the court ruled in favor of the request the following month, which angered the opposition. A crisis appeared to be averted, however, when a hard-wrought compromise deal was signed by the government...