Syrian Refugee crisis is the result of the ongoing civil war in Syria which started in 2011. As per the available data of 2016, once the civil war began in Syria, more than 6 million Syrians were internally displaced and around 5 million Syrians had cros
humanitarian crisisThis article analyzes the problematics of the international community's response to the Syrian refugee crisis: patterns of displacement, including the lack of attention to basic needs, the limited economic opportunities in host countries, the conditions facing Syrian refugee children, ...
individuals, families, and communities, what relevant research exists on the Syrian refugee crisis, and what key strategies have been known to be useful in this crisis, how one promote resilience in this crisis and how the social workers personal value affect him/her in addressing this crisis. ...
The Syrian refugee crisis: A comparison of responses by Germany, Sweden, the United Kingdom, and the United States. Journal on Migration and Human Security, 3(3), 255-279.Ostrand, Nicole 2015 The Syrian Refugee Crisis: a comparison of responses by Germany, Sweden, the United Kingdom, and...
These people have lost their homes, then fled on foot or on small rafts across the sea, all in the hopes of building a stable life for themselves and their families in Europe and beyond. And with people flooding into other nations, the Syrian refugee crisis has tested the resolve — and...
When did the Syrian refugee crisis begin? The Syrian refugee crisis is the result of a March 2011 violent government crackdown on public demonstrations in support of a group of teenagers who werearrested for anti-government graffiti in the southern town of Daraa. ...
refugees since the Syrian conflict began about four years ago, with roughly 1,300 coming in this year. Another 300 are expected to be settled in the U.S. within the next fews months. The U.S. has also provided more than $4 billion for humanitarian aid in Syria since the crisis began...
Bullock, who is a woman of color, admitted she "definitely had some feelings of hesitation" coming to a work about Syrian refugees written by two white men and directed by a white woman, especially as she "would not in any way call myself an authority in the Syrian crisis." ...
Watch: Understand the Syrian Refugee Crisis Like Never Before in Exclusive Clip From Heart-Wrenching 'Salam Neighbor'
Van den Berg (2018): "The Impact of the Syrian Refugee Crisis on Firm Entry and Performance in Turkey," World Bank Economic Review, 32, 19-40.Akgu¨ndu¨z, Y. E., van den Berg, M., and Hassink, W. (2018). The impact of the Syrian refugee crisis on firm entry and performance...