This is a book about structures that shows students how to "see" structures as integral to architecture, and how knowledge of structures is the basis for understanding both the mechanical and conceptual aspects inherent to the art of building. Analyzing the structural principles behind many of the...
The structural basis of architectureEpstein, H ISandacker, Bjorn Normann, Eggen, Arne Petter and Mark Cruvellier. The Structural Basis of Architecture. New York: Routledge, 2011.
京东JD.COM图书频道为您提供《预订 建筑结构基础 第3版The Structural Basis of Architecture》在线选购,本书作者:,出版社:Routledge。买图书,到京东。网购图书,享受最低优惠折扣!
Architects' concern to take into account continuous change, thus ensuring the work of architecture answers adequately to the passage of time, has led to the introduction of the concepts of flexibility and multi-functionality. These concepts are born from the implicit idea that the eternal youth of...
The CRISPR-Cas13 ribonucleases have been widely applied for RNA knockdown and transcriptional modulation owing to their high programmability and specificity. However, the large size of Cas13 effectors and their non-specific RNA cleavage upon target activ
reveal how a single receptor can detect a wide array of odorants through a single promiscuous binding site that recognizes the overall physicochemical properties of each odorant rather than being tuned to any of their specific structural or molecular features, suggesting a structural basis for ...
We use processed Landsat 8 OLI multispectral images and ALOS digital elevation models integrated with field and petrographic observations to characterize the architecture of the ≥17, 000 km2 Mesoproterozoic Kunene Complex (KC) anorthosite suite in Angola and Namibia. Images of false colour composite ...
Music and architecture, though seemingly unrelated to each other, are connected. Their construction comes from a creator with passion, rigorous logic, structural thinking, some inspiration, and a lot of hard work. The process and the result together bind by an artistic tension. In today's The ...
Mitochondrial energy conversion requires an intricate architecture of the inner mitochondrial membrane1. Here we show that a supercomplex containing all four respiratory chain components contributes to membrane curvature induction in ciliates. We report
The structural model of the CKB-ASB9-ELOB/C was combined with the model of CUL5-RBX2 by superposition of ELOB/C. This process yielded a model of the ASB9CRL with the substrate, CKB bound (Fig. 3). This model captures the cryo-EM structure of the substrate bound to ASB9, and the...