string theory n. A theory in physics in which tiny stringlike objects have modes of vibration that correspond to elementary particles. Such objects exist in a spacetime that has more dimensions than the familiar three dimensions of space, some of which are thought to be exceedingly small. Strin...
We explored the θ-structure in bosonic string theories which are similar to that in gauge field theories. The θ-structure of strings is due to the multiply connected spatial compact subspace of space-time. We show that there is an energy band E(θ) in the string theory and the exciting...
string band Wikipedia n 1.(Music, other) a band consisting of stringed instruments 2.(Classical Music) an informal name forstring orchestra Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 201...
ABeautifulMind(2001) ThismovietellsthestoryofJohnNash(RussellCrowe),aprofessoratPrinceton,aUSuniversity,whorevolutionizedthefieldofgametheoryandfellinto madnessasaresultofparanoid schizophrenia(精神分裂症).Withtheloveand supportofhisfamilyaswellasthehelpofmedicalprofessionals,he managedto overcome his mentalillnes...
We explored the θ-structure in bosonic string theories which are similar to that in gauge field theories. The θ-structure of strings is due to the multiply connected spatial compact subspace of space-time. We show that there is an energy band E(θ) in the string theory and the exciting...
bbd bbdtz-mbru bbdr broad band doubl bbe led bbel bbg bgu bbgc bbhk bbil bbk hd903 bbk v303 bbkinggeorgev bble to work under pr bbma british brush ma bbmg group bbml-baby meal bbns bbop bboqiq bbq pork egg on rice bbq pork with bean sp bbqspareribswithpinea bbs bulletin boards...
broad media communica broad band technique broad based broad beam laser quen broad bean sauce broad distribution broad filling rib wea broad hatcher broad nosed finishing broad rifling broad-beam condition broad-zoned broadband access solu broadband connection broadband content del broadband emi broadband...
Schneider H, Eiband M, Ullrich D, Butz A, (2018) Empowerment in HCI-A survey and framework. In: Proceedings of the 2018 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems, pp 1–14 Schulz T (2014) Creating universal designed and trustworthy objects for the Internet of Things. In: Zaph...
whether that’s heading to aconcertfor your favourite band or hitting the supermarket at 7am because you’re both early birds. "A lot of people talking about Invisible String Theory mention they have lived in the same town as their partner for their whole lives but only just connected romant...
Super string theory)Also found in: Encyclopedia. su′per•string theo`ry (ˈsu pərˌstrɪŋ) n. any supersymmetric string theory in which each type of elementary particle is treated as a vibration of a single fundamental string (superstring) at a particular frequency. Random...