You want to share your opinion on the anime “The Stranger by the Shore” with other members of our community, but you don’t really have enough to say about it to fill a whole review? Then don’t hesitate to create a comment thread for “The Stranger by the Shore” using the follow...
Of the 144041 characters on Anime Characters Database, 3 are from the movie The Stranger by the Shore.
All characters in The Stranger by the Shore including Shun Hashimoto, Mio Chibana, Sakurako, and many more.
After a fateful encounter with a mysterious stranger, the now-divine Nanami is tasked with fulfilling the duties of the land god, Mikage. Nanami's journey towards becoming a competent deity is not an easy one, but she soon discovers that her newfound powers come with some unexpected perks: ...
Also ranks #5 on The Best Old School Anime From 1999 And Before 5 Howl's Moving Castle 6,550 votes A young girl is forced to toil in her parents' hat shop and her only joy is in her occasional meetings with a handsome stranger, Howl the wizard. When a witch sees her happin...
Stranger Things Supergirl Superman & Lois Supernatural The Boys The Flash The Mandalorian The Orville The Umbrella Academy The Vampire Diaries The Walking Dead The Witcher Twilight UFOs, Aliens & Space Xena: Warrior Princess Yellowstone Choose whether to subscribe or unsubscribe...
A kid used a holophoner (an instrument that when played, creates holograms) and plays "a stranger in the night". In the hologram, a man plays a piano, and stairs appear as the man and a woman climb them; a barrel rolls down and the pair jump over it, both earning 100 points as ...
The over-the-top action-RPG combat is some of the best around, and the storylines get progressively stranger until you find yourself taking part in dwarf musicals in between fighting on top of colossal demons. Read more: There is so, so much weird shit in Lost Ark The best anime VR ...
Devil May Cry Netflix Series: Everything You Need To Know About The Anime Adaptation Of Capcom’s Iconic Game 2/18/2025 by Pulak Kumar KoiMoi ‘Stranger Things’ Jamie Campbell Bower Talked To Therapist About Not Wanting To Play Villains For A While: ‘F—s Me Up’ 2/18/2025 by Natali...
Debuting in 2019, ONEWE has amassed a large catalog of music in their just-over-five-years. Today’s album is already their third full-length and is heralded by title track The Starry Night (별 헤는 밤). Rather than tackle the moodier ballads they’ve become known for, the song...