Type: Movie, 1 (~59 min) Status: Completed Published: 11.09.2020 Studio: Studio Hibari Co., Ltd. Adapted From: Manga Staff: Kanna KII (Original Work), Akiyo OOHASHI (Direction), Kanna KII (Character Design) Website: Etranger-Anime The Stranger by the Shore Status: Completed Published:...
Of the 144041 characters on Anime Characters Database, 3 are from the movie The Stranger by the Shore.
All characters in The Stranger by the Shore including Shun Hashimoto, Mio Chibana, Sakurako, and many more.
All characters in The Stranger by the Shore including Shun Hashimoto, Mio Chibana, Sakurako, and many more.
All characters in The Stranger by the Shore including Shun Hashimoto, Mio Chibana, Sakurako, and many more.