Story of the Eye 2025 pdf epub mobi 电子书 著者简介 - 作者簡介 - 喬治·巴塔耶(Georges Bataille, 1897—1962) 「我不是哲學家,而是聖人,或者是瘋子。」 法國哲學家與文學家,被視為解構主義、後現代主義等思潮的先驅。對「二戰」後的法國思想界影響甚深,激發了傅柯、德希達、羅蘭·巴特等哲學家,傅柯稱...
The Eye of the Story 2025 pdf epub mobi 电子书 图书描述 Much like her highly acclaimed One Writer's Beginnings, The Eye of the Story offers Eudora Welty's invaluable meditations on the art of writing. In addition to seven essays on craft, this collection brings together her penetrating and...
Unit-11-The-Story-of-an-Eyewitness课文翻译综合教程四--第3页 warehouses,thegreatstores andnewspaperbuildings,the hotelsandthepalacesofthenabobs, areallgone.Remainsonlythe fringeofdwellinghousesonthe outskirtsofwhatwasonceSan Francisco. 3Withinanhourafterthe ...
Story of the Eye的书评。[意]阿尔贝托•莫拉维亚 lightwhite 译 情色似乎是一种知识的形式:一旦它暴露了现实,也就毁灭了现实。换言之,一个人可以通过情色来理解现实,但他要付出现实本身的彻底和不可弥补的毁灭的代价。在这个意义...
Training as painter, with particular interest in German expressionism; Work as directory of photography with a wide range of directors; View on studio intervention as one of the major differences between European and American filmmaking.Abrams
又名Story of the Eye编剧 Georges Ba...Dan Buskir...主演 Melissa Elizabeth ForgioneQuerelle HaynesSean Timothy SextonCourtney SheaClaude Barrington White 演职人员(15) Andrew Repasky McElhinney 导演 编剧 Georges Bataille 编剧 Dan Buskirk 编剧 Melissa Elizabeth Forgione 编剧 演员 Les Rek 编剧...
Story of the Eye [法]乔治·巴塔耶In 1928, Georges Bataille published this first novel under a pseudonym, a legendary shocker that uncovers the dark side of the erotic by means of forbidden obsessive fantasies of excess and sexual extremes. A classic of pornographic literature, Story of the Eye...
'Story of the Eye' is a scathing critique of the tendency, in both Hollywood and literature, to trivialize female sexuality and power. Simone and Georges battle over the metaphorical 'eye' but the real tension exists in the struggle over who gets to tell the story and ultimately, which ...
Story of the Eye 作者:[法] 乔治·巴塔耶 出版社:Penguin Classics 副标题:By Lord Auch 译者:Joachim Neugroschal 出版年:2001-4-26 页数:128 定价:GBP 7.99 装帧:Paperback ISBN:9780141185385 豆瓣评分 7.8 70人评价 5星 38.6% 4星 41.4% 3星
中文名:Story of the Eye 英文名: 地區:美國 導演: Andrew Repasky McElhinney 主演: Melissa Elizabeth Forgione Querelle Haynes Sean Timothy Sexton Courtney Shea Claude Barrington White 編劇: Georges Bataille Dan Buskirk Melissa Elizabeth Forgione Les Rek Andrew Repasky McElhinney Sean Timothy Sexton Cou...