Story of the Eye 作者:[法] 乔治·巴塔耶 出版社:Penguin Classics 副标题:By Lord Auch 译者:Joachim Neugroschal 出版年:2001-4-26 页数:128 定价:GBP 7.99 装帧:Paperback ISBN:9780141185385 豆瓣评分 7.8 70人评价 5星 38.6% 4星 41.4% 3星
巴氏較為人熟悉的小說《眼睛的故事》(Histoire de l’Oeil,英譯Story of the Eye),發表於1927年,至1979年始被譯成英文。巴氏的小說,驚艷者眾,談不上「偉大」,其為了賺取稿費而書的短篇,起初也僅被當成二流色情小說去讀,到五、六十年代,評論界才「重新發現」它的僭越... (展开) 16 1回应 指麤为骉 ...
Story of the Eye [法]乔治·巴塔耶In 1928, Georges Bataille published this first novel under a pseudonym, a legendary shocker that uncovers the dark side of the erotic by means of forbidden obsessive fantasies of excess and sexual extremes. A classic of pornographic literature, Story of the Eye...
Story of the Eye [法]乔治·巴塔耶In 1928, Georges Bataille published this first novel under a pseudonym, a legendary shocker that uncovers the dark side of the erotic by means of forbidden obsessive fantasies of excess and sexual extremes. A classic of pornographic literature, Story of the Eye...
He challenges any single discourse on the erotic. The scope of his inquiry ranges from Emily Bronte to Sade, from St. Therese to Claude Levi-Strauss and Dr. Kinsey;...Palgrave Usa
The Eye of the Story 电子书 读后感 评分☆☆☆ 评分☆☆☆ 评分☆☆☆ 评分☆☆☆ 评分☆☆☆ 类似图书 点击查看全场最低价 出版者:Vintage 作者:Eudora Welty 出品人: 页数:368 译者: 出版时间:1990-08-29 价格:USD 14.00 装帧:Paperback isbn号码:...
Cloze 3(素材选自 One Story A Day Book 11)布莱叶盲文之由来Imagine how scary the world would be if you could not see anything. Blind people live in a different world.They cannot do I for themselves in the same way that most people can. Imagine being unable to read a book now. Other ki...
【初级篇★Book03】-01 First Hospital Visit 第一次去医院 04:10 03-02 A Better Idea 更好的主意 02:58 03-03 Grandma's Chicks 奶奶的小鸡 03:27 03-04 World of Light 世界之光 03:19 03-05 Our Moon 我们的月球 03:10 03-06 Bookworm 书虫 ...
The teen seemed to have been going out of his way to avoid everyone ever since they came back from visiting Arthur at St. Mungos. Remus had thought he looked extremely pale, if not a little ill."Is Harry all right?" Dumbledore asked then, looking Sirius in the eye."No, and you can...
The true story of the Lady Detective Agency, one of the UK’s most successful female private detective services. The Agency exists for one purpose: to expose the truth. Cheating husbands, bad boyfriends and guilty consciences beware… For the first time, the Agency is opening its doors and...