Hera: A Divine Dance of Love, Jealousy, and PowerIn a tale of love, jealousy, and divine power, we follow the story of Hera, the Queen of Olympus and the goddess of marriage. With a tumultuous relationship with Zeus, the King of Gods, Hera's life is fraught with betrayal and ...
kingofgods Apollo Canyoutelltheirnames?venus Poseidon_波塞东 Athene ANCIENTGREEKMYTHS 神跟人一样有也会贪心,七情六欲 宙斯Zeus:沾花惹草 波塞东Poseidon:性格变化无常赫拉Hera:天后,ZEUS的妻子也是他的妹妹 天性妒忌 AncientGreecefairystory 小爱神爱罗斯(Eros)(罗马名字theGreekGoddessofLove邱比特Cupid)阿佛洛狄...
attempt to kill the baby Hercules. In the Greek legend, the misfortune of Heracles was mainly caused by Hera. She took away Heracles’ birthright as Zeus’ heir and abandoned him in the brushwood. The twist of the story was that Hera breastfed Heracles, such that Heracles became full of ...
The film tells the story of two very popular Finnish singer/songwriters: Tapio Rautavaara (Tapio Liinoja) and Repe Helismaa (Martti Suosalo), who worked together until their relationship got frictious for a long time. The film covers the ...See more Read more: Plot summary Director Timo ...
The Story of Atlas and Hercules Perhaps the most famous myth involving Atlas is his role in one of the celebratedtwelve labors of Hercules, the main version of which is found in Apollodorus of Athens's Library. In this legend, Hercules was required by Eurystheus to fetch the golden apples...
Clonis! Rahh! No! Damn you, Hera! You'll pay fo this till the day I die! This is the story of a time long ago. => Clonis! Rahh!没有!该死的你,赫拉!你会付出这一天,直到我死!这是很久以前的故事。 A time of myth and legend, when the ancient gods were petty and cruel, and the...
It is impossible here to enumerate all the events of mythical story in which Hera acts a more or less prominent part; and the reader must refer to the particular deities or heroes with whose story she is connected.Hera had sanctuaries, and was worshipped in many parts of Greece, often in...
“The idea was a girl in a leather jacket, holding a Flying V guitar, surrounded by cows.” The story of Metalhead – the most authentic heavy metal movie to feature Metallica, Megadeth and buckets of existential dread 2013’s Metalhead understands heavy music better than any other film – ...
the Story of the Wind by Hans Christian Andersen(1859) EAR the shores of the GREat Belt, which is one of the straits that connect the Cattegat with the Baltic, stands an old mansion with thick red walls. I know every stone of it,“ says the Wind.”I saw it when it was part of ...
Suneel Darshan(story)|Robin Bhatt(screenplay)|K.K. Singh(dialogue)|AbhishekSinha78(writer assistant)&2 more Producer Nihalani Pahlajj(as Pahlaj Nihalani) Composers Amar Mohile|Darshan Rathod(as Darshan)|Sanjeev Rathod(as Sanjeev) Cinematographers ...