④ The real story was made public. ⑤ What a story! I don’t believe a word of it. 【答案】① 英雄的事迹是极为动人的。② 他捏造年龄。③ 那张脸成这个模样,背后必有文章。④ 真相大白。/水落石出。⑤ 弥天大谎!我只字不信。① He’s a stubborn child who won’t obey his mother. ②...
根据前句The only constant (不变) in life is change.以及后句Technology is out of date almost by the time you buy it. We get plenty of information every day. 可知,这里是说生活在多变的世界里,故选D。【小题2】句意:那是因为我们的大脑想保护我们。根据前句Why are we afraid of change?可知...
Heraclitus on flow and change Where there is no strife there is decay. … Only one thing is constant, and that is law. “This order, the same for all things, no one of gods or men has made; but it always was, and is, and shall be" 引自Aristotle 集大成者 Aristotle that he was...
6. capacity, position, or status: he spoke in the character of a friend rather than a father. 7. (Literary & Literary Critical Terms) a person represented in a play, film, story, etc; role 8. an outstanding person: one of the great characters of the century. 9. informal an odd...
One finds them in the gloomy Heraclitus and the “laughing philosopher” Democritus; and one sees the pupils of Socrates dividing into Cynics and Cyrenaics under the lead of Antisthenes and Aristippus, and extolling, the one school apathy, the other happiness. Yet these were even then almost ...
But finally, to complete this story of Metaphysics - there was Aristotle. Aristotle thought that Socrates wasn’t giving appearances as much importance as he thought they should be given. Instead, Aristotle said that the appearances of the forms clung to something. Something called substance. And...
The Story of Instruction: The Beginnings. New York, 1936.Marrou, H. J. Histoire de l’éducation dans l’antiquité. Paris, 1948. L. A. EL’NITSKM The considerable achievements of the Greek city-states in mining and metallurgy, in building techniques, and in the production of ceramics ...
Thatwateristhesourceoftheworld."Wateristhesourceof allthings.Everythingcomesafterwater."" The2.man'snatureconsistsinseekingknowledge,Aristotle Thestoryofthephilosopherandtheboatman Knowledgeishumannature;mandoesnotmeasurewhethera knowledgeisusefulornot,andthendecidewhethertocontinue ...
This paper provides a critical analysis of Heidegger's brief remarks in his "Letter on Humanism" in which he links ethics to ethos and ultimately to our relation to time and history. Central to this analysis is the phrase of Heraclitus, ēthos anthrōpōi daimōn, from which Heidegger claims ...