先确认 D 盘下是否存在“China.shp”文件 若存在,先尝试 axMapControl1.AddShapeFile("D:","china.shp");若测试通过,再尝试将path改为 @"D:"
7. ArcGis:vs c#编程遇到问题The specified filename is invalid(1345) 8. ArcGis :正尝试在 OS 加载程序锁内执行托管代码。不要尝试在 DllMain 或映像初始化函数内运行托管代码,这样做会导致应用程序挂起。(1234) 9. 数据库中表和表之间的连接(多关系连接查询)(1139) 10. VS 无法启动程序(1004) 评论...
Sharepoint Error : The URL "filename" is invalid. It may refer to a nonexistent file or folder, or refer to a valid file or folder that is not in the current Web 中文错误: 一次网站突然出现问题 新建网站会报如下错误: 该URL“DocLib1/Doc1.doc”无效。它可能指向不存在的文件或文件夹,或者...
“InfoPath cannot open the following file ‘formpath/.xml’ ”<o:p></o:p> When we try viewing the version history, it gives below error:<o:p></o:p> "The URL 'filena...
the filename field is required的解决方法 要解决“filename field is required”的问题,你可以尝试以下方法: 1.检查是否确实在你的操作中提供了文件名。确保你没有遗漏该字段。 2.如果你是在通过表单提交数据,确保你已正确配置了你的表单,并设置了正确的字段名称。 3.如果你是在使用编程语言来处理文件上传,...
filename The above file name is invalid.Explanation:The filename does not meet the criteria for a valid filename.User Action:Try again, using a valid filename. Filenames can contain any uppercase or lowercase characters except the following: ? " / \\ < > * | :...
We tried to activate the license for NE40E-X3 that was downloaded in format .xml and we received an error that license is invalid. アラーム情報 <BRAS>license active licne40e-x3_v800r011_20191203rmgv6t.xml Error: The filename is invalid, and the postfix of the file name must be '...
During license activation, Error: The specified file does not exist is displayed. Possible Causes The license file name in the activation command is incorrect. The license file fails to be uploaded. The license file is not copied to the slave main control board. Procedure Check the license file...