当在JetBrains系列IDE(如IntelliJ IDEA、PyCharm等)中尝试安装插件时,如果遇到“was not installed: invalid filename returned by a server”的错误,这通常意味着从服务器返回的插件文件名或路径无效,导致IDE无法正确处理和安装该插件。 可能导致此错误的原因 网络问题:网络连接不稳定或服务器暂时无法访问,导致下载的...
关于Clion汉化失败 出现 Plugin "Chinese (Simplified) Language Pack / 中文语言包" was not installed: Invalid filename returned by a server 意思是你安装的汉化包不可被识别,截止到23/7/22 plugins market搜索到的汉化包版本不再能兼容21版本的clion了 解决方法有两个 1.升级你的Clion到最新版本 (注意,升...
image.png 正常情况下,重启IDE就可以看到汉化后的IDE。 但是,也有版本低的IDE可能会出现问题,例如下面这个提示。 IDEA 安装汉化包失败解决方法(Plugin “Chinese (Simplified) Language Pack / 中文语言包“ was not installed: Invalid filename returned by server) 安装失败的原因 正如提示所言,服务器与idea显示版...
Hi, I'm using IDEA 2016.1.3 on ElementaryOS Freya (Ubuntu 14) and can not install this plugin. Here's the screenshot:https://www.dropbox.com/s/3mpb2olloj93svl/Screenshot_2016-07-10_13.25.16.png?dl=0
Codepage '<name>' is invalid or not installed Comma expected Comma or ')' expected (Procedure Parameter List) Comma or ')' expected (Type Argument List) Comma or ')' expected (Type Parameter List) Comma, ')', or a valid expression continuation expected Comment statements cannot be evalua...
WMF 5.1 cannot be installed S.o. Windows 11 pro build 21H2 22000.978 DISM and Sfc no error! Thank you Could you save below to a .reg file and double-click/import it? Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00 [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\PowerShell\1...
"error: a redistributable package (DirectX) was not installed successfully. Setup cannot continue (4294967287)." a bunch of people with this same error for Apex legends said delete files in folder x and then restart bla bla bla, Didn't work. ...
An invalid character was found in the mail header: '@'. An operation on a socket could not be performed because the system lacked sufficient buffer space or because a queue was full. An Unable to write data to the transport connectionestablished connection was aborted by the software in your...
{"__typename":"ForumTopicMessage","uid":7870501,"subject":"vc++ runtime redistributable package was not installed successfully","id":"message:7870501","revisionNum":1,"repliesCount":3,"author":{"__ref":"User:user:1523845"},"depth":0,"hasGivenKudo":false,"board":{"__ref":"Forum:...
The problem started occurring shortly after applying the latest Windows Update, although I am not sure that both things coincided in time. The computer is running WIndows 10. 27 KB Screenshot0.JPG34 KB Hiapoblacion! In Windows 10, OneDrive is installed natively. It's possible you're dealing...