The narration reminds me of the many times when I hear African-Americans say that when, we, African -Americans talk “proper” we sound white. African- Americans have expectations of each other based on race. When black or white people fall short of our ideals, we disparage them. Faulkner...
TheSoundAndTheFury 喧哗与骚动 WilliamFaulkner WilliamFaulkner 1897-1962 •Born:September25,1897MississippiaprominentSouthernfamilyHewrotenovels,shortstories,aplay,poetry,essaysandscreenplays.•Faulknerwasapioneerinliterarymodernism.HewasawardedtheNobelPrizeinLiteraturein1949.Novels •AsILayDying(1930)我...
Life'sbutawalkingshadow,apoorplayer Thatstrutsandfretshishouruponthestage Andthenisheardnomore:itisatale Toldbyanidiot,fullofsoundandfury, Signifyingnothing." FromMacbeth'ssoliloquyinact5,scene5 1.Idiot–Benjy Motif 2.Shadow–Quentin 3.Timesense 4.Deathordecadence Characters •JasonCompsonIII •...
William Faulkner’s “The Sound and the Fury” is considered “one of the greatest [Modernist] novels of the 20th century” (Churchwell), but what exactly qualifies it as such? To answer this question I will start by looking at what Modernism can be defined or classified as which means lo...
Consideration of the objectives, organization and functioning of these societies suggests that they played a portentous social role, in providing channels for the expression of both political control and conflict and in creating outlets for both personal abilities and antagonisms. The significance of ...
[[alternative]]The Compson Brothers as Poor Players: A Sartrean Approach to The Sound and the Fury In the third chapter, I discuss the significance of family, or blood in Faulkner, since family plays an important role in The Sound and the Fury. The mother divides the family into the Bas...
答案:A解析:TheSoundandtheFury(《喧哗与躁动》)是WilliamFaulkner(福克纳)的代表作,这部小说描写的是19末至20世纪20年代美国南方杰斐逊镇的望族康普生家庭的没落以及各个家庭成员的遭遇与精神状态。 183.Leveeispermanently___duetoaterribletrafficaccidentandnothingcanpensateforhisphysicaldefects. A、petent B、disabled...
3."And where are they? And where art thou," My country? On thy voiceless shore The heroic lay is tuneless now- The heroic bosom beats no more!"(George Gordon Byron, Don Juan) In the above stanza, "art thou" literally means ___ . A."are...
Carothers McCaslin in Go Down, Moses Healthy and Normal Primitives Dilsey (The Sound and the Fury) Lena Grove (Light in August) Sam Fathers (Go Down, Moses) The Title: Shakespeare’s Macbeth Macbeth’s soliloquy in act 5, scene 5 : Tomorrow, tomorrow, and tomorrow. 明天,明天,再一个...
All the higher circles of human intelligence are, to those beneath, only momentarily and partially open. We may, by good fortune, obtain a glimpse of a great poet, and hear the sound of his voice; or put a question to a man of science, and be answered good-humoredly. We may intrude...