The SMIC Private School ShaghaiIntroduction The school has over 1,800 students with a curriculum covering Pre-K t 12th Grade and over 200 teaching sta, of which nearly half ar foreigners. The kindergarten is bilingual, while the Elementary an Middle/High school divisions oer two academic ...
上海市民办中芯学校 The SMIC Private School, Shanghai 上海市民办中芯学校位于浦东张江高科园区,由中芯国际集成电路制造有限公司于2001年创办,现有来自34个国家和地区的3000名学生,教职员工400名,其中100多位专职外籍教师,是一所从幼儿园、小学、初中到高中一体化,并具有鲜明外语特色的双语学校。学校确立以学生发展...
中芯国际私立学校(Shanghai SMIC Private School)成立于2001年,是由中芯国际(SMIC)创办的一所独立的非盈利学校,中芯国际是中国顶尖的半导体高科技公司,位于张江创业园区。中芯国际提供学前班到12年级的教育,包括两个学科方向:英语方向采用美国为基础的课程,中文方向采用上海市教委指导的本地课程。中芯国际学校的语言...
小学部中国上海浦东新区青桐路19弄3号中学部中国上海浦东新区青桐路169号邮编:201203 ElementaryDivisionNo.3,Lane19QingtongRoad Middle/HighSchoolDivisionNo.169QingtongRoad PudongNewAreaShanghai,China201203 TheSMICPRIVATESCHOOL上海市民办中芯学校 (tel) 86-21-5855-4588 • (fax) 86-21-5895-7828/5855-...
169 Qingtong Road P u d o n g N e w A r e a Shanghai, China 201203 The SMIC PRIVATE SCHOOL上海市民办中芯学校上海市民办中芯学校 (tel) 86-21-5855-4588 • (fax) 86-21-5895-7828/5855-7462 • / August 16, 2013 Dear English Track ...
Page1of2 TheSMICPRIVATESCHOOL上海市民办中芯学校中文部入学申请表格ApplicationForChineseTrack 申请人姓名(**ChineseName):___(英文姓名Eng**shName):___ 申请年级ApplyingforGrade:___现在年级CurrentGrade___ 预计到校日期ExpectedDatetostartschool___籍属Nationality___ 性别Gender:M男/F女出生日期Birthdate...
school endorsed, or school sponsored trip. This letter is to officially clarify that the school has nothing to do with this trip. The SMIC Private School is a Chinese private school and according to Chinese Education Law, no school is allowed to organize any student-related trip which leaves ...
Beijing SMIC Private School provides an education centered around building character and developing the skills necessary for confidence and growth. We empower our students to become the leaders of tomorrow. Student Spotlight Welcome from Principal Christie It is a pleasure to welcome you to the Bei...
Superintendent, Shanghai SMIC Private School International Division Ridings博士有30年教育工作者的经历,曾在美国、墨西哥、韩国和中国担任督学、校长、主任和老师。这是他在上海市民办中芯学校的第10年。Ridings博士取得教育管理学博士学位,历史学硕士学位,以及中学教育学士学位。
The Shanghai Municipal Food and Drug Administration confirmed in a statement on Tuesday that students at the SMIC Private School in the Zhangjiang Hi-Tech Park were served expired food, including rotten and moldy produce. Expiration dates on the packaging of some products had been altered. The in...